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8 strange animals that you won’t believe exist in this world

Without a camera, you wouldn’t be able to see these monstrous creatures exist.

The natural world today still contains many secrets as well as unusual things that humans have not discovered yet, this is still an area where people may never be able to decipher all the mysteries that are being discovered. hidden in the vast world out there. Therefore, every time the scientific community discovers an organism or a certain phenomenon, it makes us extremely surprised because it has never been known before.

Here are 8 strange animals that thought they came from another different world:

1. Mexican iguana

At first, everyone assumed that this cute-faced animal was some kind of mutated fish with legs or an unknown creature. But in reality this is a Mexican salamander, also known as a six-horned dinosaur.

Their scientific name is Axolotl (meaning water monster), this animal has 2 eyes but they can’t see anything and have no eyelids.

Axolotl iguana. (Photo:

Although it belongs to the class of amphibians, the Mexican salamander is one that prolongs childhood: “The larvae of this species cannot undergo metamorphosis, so the adults remain in the water and have external fins.”

In addition, the Mexican salamander has a special ability that scientists have to admire, which is to recreate the perfect body. Not only has the ability to regrow limbs and tails, this salamander is also capable of repairing its own heart and brain.

Currently, the Axolotl salamander has disappeared from the wild due to water pollution caused by urbanization in Mexico.

2. Crispy starfish

Another name is snake-tailed starfish (scientific name is Ophiuroidea), they are creatures of the starfish family, even without a central nervous system, they have human-like characteristics. They have strange parts like 5 coordinated arms that move very smoothly. Their bodies are radially symmetrical, meaning their bodies can be divided into equal halves by straight lines passing through the arms and central axis.

Snake-tailed starfish. (Photo:

As an animal with a radial symmetry, the snake-tailed starfish can move forward, perpendicular to its body axis – a skill usually reserved for bilaterally symmetric groups like humans and other species. mammal. This feature is indeed very rare in radial symmetrical structures, which move very little or only move in the up-down direction.

3. “Dwarf” fish

The reason they are so named is because their faces are like those of the dwarves in the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. The “dwarf” fish, scientifically known as Lycodes reticulatus, is widely distributed in the North Atlantic and lives at depths of 67-600m.

The “dwarf” fish Lycodes reticulatus. (Photo: Aftenposten)

4. Goblin Squid

This animal has the scientific name Promachoteuthis sulcus, living at a depth of 2,000m in the South Atlantic Ocean, where sunlight cannot penetrate.

Goblin squid Promachoteuthis sulcus. (Photo: Kenh14)

They are described as molluscs with rounded human-like jaws and folded lips. The tentacles surrounding the mouth serve as a warning to anyone who intends to attack them.

5. Sea cucumber 

The folk name is often called sea leech or rum – the common name of a group of marine animals of the class Holothuroidea with a long body and hairy skin, with internal bones located just below the skin, living in the seabed all over the world. world.

Sea cucumber. (Photo:

The name of this species comes from their cucumber-like shape, with this special appearance, many people will associate it with some hideous alien creature. Most sea cucumbers are only about the size of a hand, but the Pacific sea cucumber alone can grow to a length of 2 meters, but when touched, they shrink to a very small size.

6. Goblin shark

The goblin shark is perhaps the most distinctive and peculiar species compared to other sharks because of its ugly appearance. It has a beak that is longer than other sharks and resembles a bird’s beak. Goblin sharks have jaws that can extend outwards to grab their prey.

Goblin shark. (Photo:

When the jaws shrink, they look quite similar to the pink gray shark, but with the addition of a long horn. Goblin sharks are mainly found in the sea about 200 meters deep, where sunlight can hardly reach.

7. Polypore mushrooms

At first glance, many people think that the strange object is an ordinary rock, but no, they are actually Polypore fungi. Polypore is a fungus that grows both on trees and on soil – fast-growing and not picky about its habitat.

(Photo: NetNews)

8. Sea anemone

It looks so eye-catching and colorful, but this sea anemone is not as gentle as its appearance. They often choose fish and small invertebrates to shoot paralyzing substances and then kill their prey.


Of course, these are just a few of the strangest animals on our planet. There are still many other strange animals that have existed on Earth that are unknown to humans.