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Experts are shocked by mysterious ‘baby rat’ creature found crawling on a kitchen floor

A man from New Zealand is perplexed after discovering strange-looking alien-like critters creeping across his mother’s kitchen floor.

Tim Clerke of Auckland, New Zealand’s North Island, turned to social media last week in an attempt to identify the strange-looking critters.

Mr Clerke sought his Facebook friends for aid in identifying the monsters, which have been described as ‘horror movie creatures.’

Even specialists couldn’t agree on what kind of organism featured in the footage, with some claiming it showed the detached legs of a moth and others believing it was rat-tailed maggots.

An Australian back-packer stumbled across a rat-tailed maggot (pictured) in Lake Bolac earlier this month

He wrote: ‘My mother found these on the kitchen floor this morning. One is still alive.

‘Anyone know what they are? Nikki is horrified and will have nightmares for weeks,’ he added. 

Mr Clerke also posted a video of the strange animals to his Facebook page.

The strange-looking animals, which have little spherical bodies and long thin tails, can be seen writhing around in someone’s fingers in the short film.

Tim Clerke, from Auckland, in New Zealand, said the bizarre looking animals (pictured) had appeared in his mother’s kitchen 

The animals (pictured) had round bodies and long thin tails, with one user suggesting they looked like ‘someone cut the bottom end off of baby mice’

Despite Mr Clerke’s efforts to enlist the Internet’s assistance, social media users were left scratching their heads to figure out what the creatures could be.

‘[It’s] like someone cut the bottom end off of baby mice,’ one person noted. 

‘That is like a horror movie,’ a second wrote. 

While another scared user added: ‘I’d like to believe it was a hoax, then I could sleep better.’

‘Deformed baby mice,’ one user guessed, while another suggested: ‘Those are miniature bats’.

Mr Clerke (pictured right) shared the video of the abnormal looking animals to his Facebook page, but users were unable to identify the creatures 

‘Is someone holding them? [Oh my god] vomit,’ said another disgusted user. 

Despite the video amassing thousands of views, users were still none-the-wiser as to what the animals were.  

Even experts were unable to determine what kind of animal appeared in the video.  

The entomology team at Biosecurity New Zealand suggested that the video depicted a moth’s detached legs.

‘They suggest that something [possibly a cat] had just recently eaten the body of the moth, which may explain why a few of the legs were still twitching,’ a spokesperson told Yahoo!7.

While University of Auckland scientists had a completely different view and thought the video was a fraud.

In a third opposing perspective, bug specialist Eric Edwards suggested that the unknown creatures could be rat-tailed maggots.

The true identity of the animals is yet to be confirmed.  

An Australian backpacker discovered a rat-tailed maggot in Lake Bolac in Victoria’s Western District earlier this month.

Guy Shlomi resorted to social media in an attempt to solve the riddle, sharing a video in an attempt to discover the animal’s identification.

An entomologist later confirmed that Mr Shlomi had discovered a hoverfly larvae, also known as a rat-tailed maggot.

The animal in Mr Shlomi’s video was later identified by an expert as a rat-tailed maggot (pictured)