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Woman gets a snake stuck inside her earlobe and we’re screaming

On Monday, while you were working or eating or doing whatever it is one does on a Monday, Ashley Glawe was at the hospital. Why, you might ask? Because her pet ball python, Bart, had been entangled in her earlobe.

Photo credit: Ashley Glawe/Facebook

Yes, her slithery little snake friend noticed her gauged earlobe and most likely thought “Oh, a hole! How fun!” and continued climbing before pausing midway to relax.

In a Facebook post, Glawe explained the precarious situation:

A quick shout out for her hashtag game:

#JustMyFuckinLuck #OhShit #SnakeStuckInEar #SnakeStuckInEarlobe #GaugedEars #SnakesLikeGaugedEars

Glawe told CNN that she tried to get the snake out using cooking oil. After that failed, the fire department attempted to remove it but also failed. Glawe eventually went to the hospital’s emergency room, where the staff numbed her ear, applied lubrication, and used a thread to expand her earlobe so the snake could be removed. Glawe’s ear was inflamed and damaged, but Bart was unharmed.

“He acted like nothing even happened and was totally chill,” Glawe told CNN. Looks like Bart snaked his way out of this one. Ha ha ha. OK bye.