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Heаrtwаrmіng ѕіght: Dog’ѕ frіendly greetіngѕ from the mаіlbox

Rigby, a sociable and amicable dog, takes delight in encountering new individuals and animals. Although he finds the events in his neighborhood captivating, being an indoor dog has limited his opportunities for exploration. However, he ingeniously devises a plan to satiate his curiosity.

As Rigby matured, he outgrew the size of the mailbox that his owners, Evan and Courtney Poole, once used to pass him back and forth. However, he stumbled upon a novel way to bring happiness to those who stroll by.

Rigby has a fondness for interacting with both humans and animals, and he soon discovered that he could extend his head through the mailbox to welcome pedestrians. This newfound routine has become a neighborhood sensation, with people experiencing surprise and delight when greeted by a friendly dog peeking out from the mailbox.

Although some dogs may not be inclined to poke their heads out of mailboxes, Rigby’s owners are genuinely delighted to witness the joy it brings him. In fact, Rigby’s mother mentioned that numerous individuals pause and beam at his amusing antics. Don’t miss the video below to witness this comical pup in action!