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Dіѕcovery of а new ѕuрernova

Astronomers and observers detected the brightness of the supernova on March 16th along the galactic strip. This supernova has a spiral shape, with closely interconnected constellations.

Based on observational data from various organizations, the International Astronomical Union confirmed on March 20th that the light in galaxy M95 is indeed from the supernova, designated as SN 2012aw.

The National Institute of Physics Ulisse Munari (Italy) stated that this supernova is even brighter than other space explosions, despite those reaching maximum brightness.

Experts also suggest that this new supernova is located approximately 37 million light-years away from the galaxy. The supernova SN 2012aw is classified as a Type II supernova.

According to the Ulisse Munari Institute, the discovery of this new supernova will provide excellent opportunities for scientists to study stellar structures.

According to National Geographic.