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Ten dаzzlіng ѕtаrѕ ѕhіnіng іnсomрarably іn the ѕky (раrt 2)

6 – Capella

Capella is the brightest star in the Auriga constellation, scientifically known as Alpha Aurigae. The star emits a reddish light, with an apparent magnitude of 0.08m, making it the sixth brightest star in the night sky. Its distance from Earth is approximately 42 light-years. In Latin, Capella means “little she-goat.”

7 – Rigel

Rigel is the brightest star in the Orion constellation, scientifically known as Beta Orionis. Rigel has an apparent magnitude of 0.18m. It is a supergiant star located at a distance of 775 light-years from Earth. In Arabic, Rigel means “the giant’s foot.” It is the seventh brightest star visible from Earth.

8 – Procyon

Procyon is the brightest star in the Canis Minor constellation. It is the eighth brightest star in the night sky, with an apparent magnitude of 0.4m, and is located at a distance of 11.25 light-years from Earth. In reality, it is a binary star system with an orbital period of 41 years. In Greek, Procyon means “the leading one of the dog,” as when rising, Procyon always precedes Sirius (the Sirius star).

9 – Achernar

Achernar is the brightest star in the Eridanus constellation, also known scientifically as Alpha Eridani. Achernar has an apparent magnitude of 0.45varm and is located at a distance of 144 light-years from Earth. In Arabic, Achernar means “the end of the river.” In the night sky, this ninth brightest star is positioned at the southern head of the constellation.

10 – Agena

Often referred to as Hadar, Agena is the tenth brightest star in the night sky and the second brightest star in the Centaurus constellation, scientifically known as Beta Centauri. Hadar is a giant star with an apparent magnitude of 0.6m and is located at a distance of 335 light-years from Earth.