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SраceX Exраnds Stаrlіnk Network wіth 15 New Sаtellіtes

Starlink satellite launched into orbit on Falcon 9 rocket. (Source: EPA)

The satellites were launched on a Falcon 9 rocket, which separated its first stage and landed on the droneship Of Course I Still Love You in the Pacific Ocean.

Starlink satellites are designed to provide broadband Internet access to areas where it is either expensive or completely unavailable. SpaceX has plans to launch thousands of Starlink satellites into orbit, and the company estimates that its network will be able to cover the entire globe by 2027.

The launch of the 15 Starlink satellites is a major step forward for SpaceX’s mission to provide affordable and reliable Internet access to people around the world. The company has already begun beta testing its Starlink service in select markets, and it plans to make the service available to the general public in the near future.

The launch of the 15 Starlink satellites is also a significant development for the global Internet infrastructure. Starlink’s network will provide a new and reliable source of Internet access to rural and underserved communities around the world. This will help to bridge the digital divide and make the Internet more accessible to everyone.