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The truth about the asteroid supposedly filled with gold, valued at over $10,000 quintillion USD.

Discovered by Italian astronomer Annibale de Gasparis on March 17, 1852, 16 Psyche has been widely regarded as a metallic body, comprising iron, nickel, and gold. In fact, researchers have even estimated that the metallic content on 16 Psyche could be worth up to $10,000 quintillion USD, despite the fact that this asteroid is only the size of the state of Massachusetts, USA.

However, a recent study led by researcher David Cantillo at the University of Arizona (USA) has presented a contrasting view. The study, published in the Planetary Science Journal, reveals that 16 Psyche is composed of only 82.5% metal, 7% iron-pyroxene, and 10.5% carbonaceous chondrite. Additionally, the asteroid’s bulk density, also referred to as porosity, is approximately 35%.

16 Psyche is the size of the U.S. state of Massachusetts.

These numbers are significantly lower than previous estimates suggesting that the asteroid could contain up to 95% metal, including substantial amounts of iron, nickel, and gold.

“The decrease in metal content and bulk density is very intriguing, indicating that 16 Psyche is not as expected. It turns out Psyche may be more of a rubble pile than previously thought, but our data still show low-density estimates despite its high metal content,” emphasized Cantillo.

The asteroid 16 Psyche is believed to be of significant research value for scientists.

If the new research findings suggesting that 16 Psyche is indeed a “rubble pile with little metal” as believed by Cantillo and other researchers are accurate, it would resemble other asteroids within the solar system, such as the asteroid Bennu.

However, 16 Psyche remains a significant point of interest for scientists, including NASA. Even if 16 Psyche is valued lower than the previously estimated $10,000 quintillion USD, it still holds value for researchers hoping to learn more about what they believe to be the remnants of a long-deceased planet.

16 Psyche takes approximately 5 years to complete an orbit around the Sun but spins around its axis in just over 4 hours. With a diameter of approximately 226 km, 16 Psyche is considered highly unique among asteroids in the same belt.

“The opportunity to study the exposed core of a long-dead planet is extremely rare, which is why they’re sending a spacecraft there,” emphasized Cantillo.

Researchers also believe that there is water on the surface of 16 Psyche, so they will seek to combine their data with information from spacecraft sent to the asteroid to validate this hypothesis.

Currently, to observe both sides of 16 Psyche, researchers at the Southwest Research Institute have utilized the Hubble Space Telescope to monitor the asteroid at two specific points in its rotation. Additionally, the Hubble telescope has observed the asteroid in ultraviolet wavelengths to gather more detailed surface information.

It is worth noting that NASA plans to launch the Psyche spacecraft to this asteroid in 2022 to determine whether it truly contains metals worth $10,000 quintillion USD and whether it could potentially turn anyone on Earth into a billionaire.