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The astonishing consequences of Earth losing its gravitational force

From a theoretical standpoint, anything with mass bends space, creating gravitational force. However, do you know how crucial gravitational force is? Without gravity, you’d float like a superhero, but humanity would face extinction.

Earth would have only day or night and a single season

Imagine if Earth lost its gravity. In this scenario, our planet would still be influenced by the gravitational pull of the Sun, so its orbit would remain unchanged.

However, gravity is a critical factor that helps Earth maintain balance and rotation. Without gravity, Earth could no longer rotate, meaning there would be no fixed 24-hour day, nor the concept of dawn and dusk. Half of the Earth would be in constant daylight, and the other half would be perpetually plunged into darkness. Additionally, without gravity, Earth’s rotation would cease, leading to chaotic weather patterns.

Temperature fluctuations could not be determined as they are now, and the four seasons – Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter – would no longer exist. Instead, different regions would experience varying climate conditions.

Disruption of the Human Body’s “Five Senses and Five Organs”

Our bodies have evolved to adapt to Earth’s gravity. Therefore, if the effects of gravity were suddenly removed, significant disruptions would occur.

The “Five Senses and Five Organs” of the human body would undergo four phases: standard gravity on Earth, transitioning to space, adapting to space, and returning to Earth.

The first organ affected would be the circulatory system. Without gravity, blood would no longer be pulled downward as designed by the body. Consequently, blood circulation would encounter significant difficulties.

The chaotic flow of blood would impact other bodily functions. Muscles would lose their activity progressively, eventually leading to their deterioration. Additionally, the lungs, stomach, and kidneys would all experience reduced function and would even shift from their normal positions due to the lack of Earth’s gravitational force.

Extinction of Humanity

Without gravity, the atmosphere surrounding Earth would rapidly escape into space. Essentially, humans would face extinction if this were to occur.

In the rare case that someone quickly secured an oxygen mask and could breathe normally, they might survive, but their ability to hear would cease. With no atmospheric pressure to contain it, the eardrum would burst, resulting in the loss of hearing amid excruciating pain.

Furthermore, the escape of the atmosphere into space would mean the depletion of Earth’s ozone layer, leaving it vulnerable to harmful solar radiation. Even if we could maintain the ability to breathe, the Sun’s rays would soon scorch our skin.

Free “Space Travel”

Gravity is the very force that keeps us anchored to the surface of the Earth. Without it, humans and all matter on Earth would succumb to the gravitational pull of the Solar System.

Everything that isn’t tethered to the Earth—such as plants, rivers, lakes, oceans, and even humans—would be propelled into “free space travel.”

From a distance, Earth would appear as a desolate, gray moon, with jagged mountain ranges and crumbling architectural remnants, slowly succumbing to the ravages of time.

Considering these potential scenarios, it becomes clear that the loss of gravity would be a catastrophic, apocalyptic event for humanity and for Earth itself.