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After an incredible transformation, a rescued dog, found in a terrible condition, regains his shiny coat

When a dog is abandoned or spends most of his time on the street, he will do just about anything to survive.

This path leads them to many dark and horrible places where they unknowingly end up either getting sick or beaten up, which makes them lose their beautiful fur coat.

In this story, we will talk about a very beautiful dog who was not cuddled by life and badly needed help.

A Timely Rescue

Source: The Dodo

When the rescuers from Leashes of Love first received a call about a stray dog, they were not ready for what they saw.

It was probably one of the saddest and most horrifying sights they had seen while working on this job.

One of the rescuers, Brandon, was distraught by the dog’s condition. He told The Dodo: I have never, in my rescue career, seen a dog look so bad.

The dog was just beaten up by life, and he looked horrible. It was hard to realize just how many illnesses he was suffering from, so he had to be quickly rescued and taken to a veterinarian clinic in San Juan Capistrano, California.

They rushed as fast as possible, and he was about to get the help he so desperately needed.

Source: The Dodo

His rescuers saw that he was fighting with everything he had left, and they just knew that he was going to recover.

The first thing they did for him was laser therapy. It helped promote healing, and he had to take medical baths every two days for his skin problems.

Another problem was his legs. There was another infection there, and he had to take medication regularly to stop the swelling.

A Dog’s New Forever Home

Source: The Dodo

Time flew by and Brandon, who took him in, noticed that his fur was growing back very fast, and he was just so happy to see his new makeover.

He said: It was amazing to watch the transformation. He has some scarring on his face that will never get fur back. So, I can tell that it’s either from fighting or being a bait dog.

They all noticed that despite all of his trouble, he was still a very relaxed and happy dog who just wanted to enjoy life.

When it was time, Brandon took him to an adoption event in California where he would hopefully find his forever home.

During his stay there, a kid named Tristan saw the dog and immediately fell in love. His mom and dad felt the same, and they realized that he had to come home with them.

Source: The Dodo

Tristan’s dad, Clint said: We were looking for a dog who was going to be a companion for Tristan and he was an immediate bond for our son.

When they took him to his new home, he was a bit nervous at first, and was struggling to adapt to his life.

However, all it took was a little time and a lot of love, and now the dog is enjoying living a great life with the best family he could possibly wish for.