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Unique Furball: This misfit pup is a furry bundle of individuality, bringing charm to every wag of his tail

Duchess Kate got fostered just in time to deliver a litter of 8 adorable puppies in a safe and loving home.

Duchess Kate may have a fancy name but she was a rescue dog without a home who was ready to give birth to puppies when a kind family stepped up to foster her on their farm.

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Within a few days of her arrival, Kate gave birth to healthy puppies – 4 girls and 4 boys, but one looks nothing like the others.

Since Kate is a mixed breed, her puppies are mixed, too. And, no one knows was the dad looks like so one can only assume that he resembles the one puppy that looks nothing like the rest of the pack.

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All the puppies are brown and black and the one that looks nothing like the others is speckled. His name is Maxwell and not only does he look different, he often finds himself on the outskirts of the puppy pack.

But since Kate is such a good momma, she always makes sure he gets back where he needs to be and goes and gets him to be sure he is safe and fed. All the puppies are quickly growing and the time is flying by.

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Soon, it’s eight weeks later and the puppies are much bigger and Maxwell stands out. He looks like he came from a different litter and his siblings like to ignore him while they romp and play with each other.

One day, their foster takes them outside to meet the horses for the first time. All the puppies eventually leave the safety of the basket, except Maxwell who decides he’ll stay right where he is.

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As the puppies continue to grow, they get to go outside more often. They love to explore and play with each other but leave Maxwell behind, as usual.

But, that doesn’t stop Maxwell from looking for fun on his own. One day, he spots a horse and goes looking for it. But by the time he reaches the barn, he can’t find the horse and now he is alone and begins to cry.

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But no worries, sweet momma Kate hears her oddball yet adorable puppy and despite his differences in appearance, he’s her baby boy and she rushes in to lead him back to the rest of the puppy pack.

Maxwell is happy to be saved and no doubt will think twice before exploring on his own in the future. A horse barn is no place for a tiny puppy and we’re glad his momma got to him before he got himself in trouble.

We hope you enjoyed watching these adorable puppies grow. Kate is a lucky dog to have been fostered by such a great family. Please feel free to share the video with your friends.