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Unearthed Giants: Discovering the Forgotten Sagas of Ancient North Americans Towering at 10 Feet

During the late 19th century and early 20th century, archaeologists and explorers were digging up these giant skeletons left and right. I did a video not too long ago about the giant skeletons found in Wisconsin.

These skeletons were allegedly 8 to 10 feet tall and they also measured up these giant skeletons left and right. Many of these skeletons that were found in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were found in ancient Indian burial mounds.

Today it’s against the law to disturb any Indian burial mounds or any Indian graves, so that might just be why we are not finding them today as we did in the past. There are also a lot of theories that suggest that these giant people who roamed the Americas were not Homo Sapiens at all, but a different species altogether.

I know it sounds crazy but there were Neanderthals as well as these awesome habits that did exist right along with us, so if habits size people did exist I think it’s fair to say that it is possible that a species of giants could have existed as well. And they walked right into North America thousands of years ago. But if this was true you would think the Native Americans would have legends about these giant people who roamed the Americas, but there are also a lot of other tribes that suggest that these giant people who roamed the Americas were not human at all, but a different species altogether.

One of the most famous stories that is still being told within the Indian tribes happened in Nevada. The story goes that the Indians had an epic battle with these giants and won. The remaining giants retreated back to their cave, the Indians followed them and poured the rest down one by one until no more giants were left alive.

Even the Aztecs and Mayans recorded their encounters. The Mayans and Aztecs would venture out on exploratory expeditions into North America. When they came back they would tell tales about these giants that lived in the north.

And it’s not just North America, not to long after the Spanish arrived in South America they started to enslave the natives and forced them to work these mines for gold. So the natives kept dying off and forced them to import new slaves.

The new slaves kept dying off and also the Spaniards couldn’t get any work out of them. So they went in search to find new slaves to work in the mines. And they found these giants.

When the Spanish returned they told everyone about these giants that lived in the north. When the Spanish returned they told everyone that they would allow comrade ease about these giants that they would go up there and get new slaves. But do keep in mind that the Spanish at that time were on average 5 ft. tall. 5 ft. so to them these giants would be anywhere from 6 to 7 ft. tall. Until the Spanish came up against giants that were reported to be 10 ft. tall. so real Giants of 6-7 ft. vs. real giants of 10 ft.

I know a very easy going person but even I have a hard time believing that people, or some sort of shape-shifting reptilian, lived on Earth. But do keep in mind that some of the most famous stories that is still being told within the Indian tribes happened in Nevada.

The stories go that the Indians had an epic battle with these giants and won. The remaining giants retreated back to their cave, the Indians followed them and poured the rest down one by one until no more giants were left alive.

Now we have the legends, we have the stories, we got this guy. But what about the evidence? Giant skeletons were reported to be found all over North America in the past. They were reportedly dug up in huge burial mounds, in caves, in the desert, and other unusual locations. A lot of people have pictures and reports of the discoveries, and the reports were typically in local newspapers.