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A “Golden River” suddenly appeared in South Africa has just been announced by NASA
A “Golden River” suddenly appeared in South Africa has just been announced by NASA

Recently, NASA shared a striking satellite image: in South Africa, what appears to Ƅe a sparkling “golden riʋer” has suddenly appeared against the brown and Ƅarren landscape.

Time traveler: “In 3 days the Earth will be invaded by aliens”
Time traveler: “In 3 days the Earth will be invaded by aliens”

TikTok user Eno Alaric, who calls himself ‘radianttimetraveler’ , who claims to have traveled through time, has released the disturbing message that “the world will end soon” and that only a few people will be able to survive the tragedy.

Treasures under the Forbidden City can be bought all over Europe
Treasures under the Forbidden City can be bought all over Europe

Each year, only 10,000 artifacts are displayed at the Forbidden City, but few know that number only accounts for nearly 1% of the total number of treasures lying under this ancient citadel.

Digging aqueducts discovered “Dragon” 6000 years ago, 7 meters long! Expert: Turns out dragons really do exist
Digging aqueducts discovered “Dragon” 6000 years ago, 7 meters long! Expert: Turns out dragons really do exist

A nation is a place of emotional, historical and cultural memories, and culture is the strength of a nation.

TOWERS OF MARS: Three ‘mile-high buildings found in a row on the Red Planet’
TOWERS OF MARS: Three ‘mile-high buildings found in a row on the Red Planet’

ALIEN chasers claim to have found compelling evidence of intelligent life once existing on Mars.

Several Russians spotted 23-foot-tall extraterrestrials exiting a UFO near Krasnodar
Several Russians spotted 23-foot-tall extraterrestrials exiting a UFO near Krasnodar

Yet another UFO sighting was reported in Krasnodar, Russia as this tiмe a мassiʋe alien ship was seen going across the sky with relatiʋe ease.