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King Cobra Crawled Into The Village To Ask For Help

The wildlife rescuer confidently offered the parched snake water, and he immediately stretched his neck and gulped it. A thirsty King Cobra accepted a helping hand from kind-hearted individuals and drank from a bottle of water..

The astonishing footage of the deadly wild animal swallowing water was captured after it was seen desperately searching for water during a drought in a village in southern India.

The wildlife rescuer confidently offered the parched snake water, and he immediately stretched his neck and gulped it. The 12-foot-long cobra was recovered from a hamlet in Kaiga municipality, where it had presumably gone in search of water.

Drought has caused water scarcity in several southern Indian states. The region’s wild animals have been severely impacted by the drought, according to wildlife officials.

When the rescue team located the cobra, they immediately offered it water. The ‘thirsty’ cobra may be seen drinking from the bottle. In an attempt to ‘cool’ the snake down, the gallant savior also poured water over its head. The snake was subsequently transferred to an animal shelter.