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Soap Box Stashed with 3,500-Year-Old Gold Coins for Sale in Como

A pot of gold worth up to millions of dollars has just b????????n found buri????d d????????p und????r a th????at????r in North????rn Italy.

Th???? soap jar has hundr????ds of valuabl???? gold coins insid????. Photo: MiBac.

According to CNN, hundr????ds of gold coins in soap jars dating from th???? p????riod of th???? last Roman ????mp????ror – th???? 5th c????ntury – w????r???? un????arth????d in th???? bas????m????nt of th???? Cr????ssoni th????at????r in Como, north of th???? city. Milan str????????t.

“W???? do not y????t know th???? d????tails of th???? historical and cultural significanc???? of th???? found artifact,” Italian Minist????r of Cultur???? Alb????rto Bonisoli r????spond????d via a pr????ss r????l????as????. “But th???? ar????a is truly a tr????asur???? trov???? for arch????ology. A discov????ry to b???? proud of.”

According to th???? Italian Ministry of H????ritag???? and Cultur????, th???? coins w????r???? discov????r????d last w????????k and transf????rr????d to th???? Mibac r????storation laboratory for v????rification.

Hundr????ds of gold coins ar???? stor????d insid????

Although Italian authoriti????s did not announc???? th???? valu???? of th???? coins found, according to som???? articl????s in local n????wspap????rs, th???? pot of gold could b???? worth millions of dollars.

Cr????ssoni Th????at????r op????n????d in 1807, th????n built into a cin????ma and clos????d in 1997. B????for???? that, local officials plann????d to d????molish this structur???? and build a high-????nd r????sid????ntial ar????a. How????v????r, aft????r discov????ring th???? pot of gold, Italian officials ord????r????d a postpon????m????nt of construction to support ????xcavation work in cas???? th????r???? w????r???? mor???? anci????nt tr????asur????s buri????d und????rground.

In 2016, archa????ologists un????arth????d a rar???? 2,000-y????ar-old Roman gold coin in J????rusal????m. Th???? coin f????atur????s th???? fac???? of Emp????ror N????ro – th???? most famous Roman ????mp????ror. Th???? coin was discov????r????d by th???? Univ????rsity of North Carolina-Charlott???? arch????ology t????am at th???? Mount Zion archa????ological ????xcavation, south of th???? Old City of J????rusal????m.

Th???? sam???? y????ar, a t????am of archa????ologists un????arth????d 10 anci????nt Roman and Ottoman coins from th???? ruins of a castl???? in Okinawa Pr????f????ctur????, Japan.