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Former CIA Pilot John Lear: There Are Millions Of Aliens Living On The Moon

Lear has abundant evidence that these beings visited our planet and continue to do so today, and he also said that there are underground cities beneath the surface of the Moon where gray aliens reside. According to the former CIA pilot, there are laboratories in these underground towns where genetic experimentation are carried out.

Former CIA officer John Lear and four of his associates organized a recruitment of people with advanced extrasensory perception. There was a strict selection of five stages. Each of them required to name the items that was hidden in the box. Out of 2,800 people, only two managed to do it.

There is no need to rely on luck here, since the objects were very specific – a pyramid of malachite, a dog figurine, a feather of a bird of paradise, a handful of pumpkin seeds and a tuft of coyote wool.

Recall that in a highly classified project conducted first in a California research lab in the 1970s, and later at an Army base in Maryland, the CIA, Army and Defense Intelligence Agency recruited men and women claiming to have powers of extrasensory perception (ESP) to help uncover military and domestic intelligence secrets.

Those tested by Lear were Colorado resident Mark Stevenson and Washington suburban resident Amelia Leeds. But John Lear did not complete his research on this. The next stage consisted of several questions about the mother of the former CIA officer.

The questions were as follows: “Date of her death”, “Cause of death”, “Her profession”, “Her favorite musical group”. Surprisingly, both participants plunged into a half-asleep state, and returning from it, they gave the correct answers. Both psychics coped with the task.

This selection was intended for a further interesting experiment, which was conducted in 2012.

The task was very simple: to find out from people who have the ability to plunge into a state where the answers to the questions posed are revealed, whether there is a civilization on the Moon.

Neither Mark Stevenson nor Amelia Leeds knew about this beforehand. The survey was carried out simultaneously in two different rooms in order to exclude forgery.

Here is what the psychic man said: “The moon was inhabited more than 100 thousand years ago. Then in the depths of the earth’s satellite there was an ocean, and large cities were located around it.

“Small creatures lived there. Among them were gray dwarfs, pale thin humanoids, winged miniature creatures – five civilizations in all. These creatures cohabit today deep below the surface of the moon.

“There is much less water there, but for now it is enough. Dwarfs from the earth’s satellite have visited our planet more than once. Their settlements are located in South America, Central Asia, Siberia and Africa.”

Amelia Leeds was no less aware of the mysterious civilizations of the moon: “About 110 thousand years BC, a catastrophe occurred on the moon that destroyed the atmosphere and actually made the surface of the earth’s satellite uninhabitable.

“The original inhabitants of the Moon were ready for this and descended into deep hiding places. At the same time, water seeped deep into and filled the cavity in the center of the cosmic body. There, the cities of fairies, gnomes and dwarfs were formed.

“Many of them still live and develop there. Unfortunately, these small creatures have almost no conditions for a high technical leap – the extremely meager variety of substances on the Moon does not allow building a large number of spacecraft.

“However, they managed to create a few and fly to Earth. Now some of them settled in the earth’s cavities on our planet, and some live on the moon.

“Sometimes you can see how small disk-shaped objects take water with plankton from the ocean to breed similar life in the depths of the moon. In addition to water, the lunar inhabitants are mining metals on Earth.”