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Treasure containing hundreds of precious jewels, worth up to millions of dollars has been discovered in the tomb of a Crimean princess

According to Express, archaeologists have found a series of artifacts, including 140 gold jewelry, in an ancient tomb, 50 km southwest of the city of Simferopol, Crimea.

Archaeologists found hundreds of jewels in the tomb of the Crimean princess.

The owner of the tomb is a wealthy woman, said to be a princess of the nomadic Scythian tribe living in Europe and Asia in the 1st century, that is, at the same time as Jesus.

According to experts, the Crimean princess was wearing jewelry to prepare for her journey to the afterlife. Surrounding the remains were 140 pieces of jewelry including earrings, a necklace and a hem on the sleeves.

The treasure is estimated to be worth $2.2 million.

Two gold eyepatches were also found on the woman’s chest. Scythian tombs often include several sets of remains, but this one contains only the skeleton of a woman.

This proves the high status of the dead in ancient society, in addition to the large number of valuable burial items, according to experts.

Gold artifacts in a tomb in Crimea. Photo: Express.

Archaeologists also discovered near the remains two rings, one with a crystal stone face, the other with a red-brown carnelian jade engraved with the love god Eros and a dog.

“Some of the artefacts such as laurel wreaths, gold awnings and rings have very unique and interesting shapes,” said Ruslan Balbek, a member of the archaeological team.

The collection is currently on display in the Netherlands, since Moscow annexed Crimea to Russia.


Ukraine claims to be the owner of the expensive treasure while Russia says the treasure needs to be returned to Crimea.

This treasure is estimated to be worth about $2.2 million.