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Unveiling the Mystery: The Alien Baby Revealed

Alyoshenka became an obsession for the villagers of Kaolinovy, Russia, making no one dare to give this name to their children.

In the summer of 1996, residents of the village of Kaolinovy near the city of Kyshtym, Russia witnessed an odd sight: retired woman Tamara Prosvirina was holding something wrapped in a blanket and talking to it.

“She told us that it was her child. The child’s name was Alyoshenka or also known as Alexey. However, she did not show us the child. So we think that her nerves She has a problem, maybe she talked to a toy but thought it was her son,” a local resident said.

However, Tamara Prosvirina did not talk to the toy, but the thing wrapped in a blanket was a strange creature she found in the forest. Alyoshenka is described as a humanoid creature 20-25 cm tall, with a brown body, no hair, tiny lips and bulging eyes, taking up most of the face.

Ms. Prosvirnina’s daughter-in-law recalled that her mother-in-law often fed her “baby” cheese and condensed milk. Since then, Alyoshenka has been nicknamed “the little person of Kyshtym”. Many locals believe that this “baby” is an alien who accidentally fell to earth.

A few months after starting to raise Alyoshenka, Prosvirina was admitted to the hospital to be treated for schizophrenia. She firmly refused because she thought the “baby” would die if not taken care of carefully, but no one believed her. When people came into contact with Alyoshenka, they discovered that it was a soulless body.

A friend of Prosvirina took Alyoshenka’s body, cleaned it with alcohol, dried it, making it look like a “mummy” and handed it over to police officer Vladimir Bendlin to investigate the truth. Bendlin tried to find out the story, but his superiors were not interested in the strange creature and asked him to abandon this “silly” investigation.

Bendlin decided to continue investigating on his own and kept Alyoshenka’s body in the refrigerator, but there were no problems. Vadim Chernobrov, a researcher and analyst of anomalies, flew from Moscow to the village of Kaolinovy to investigate the strange body.

He was also surprised when the genetic analysis results showed that it was not human. There is no genetic sample available in the laboratory that corresponds to the genetic sample of the alien organism. However, another gynecologist said that Alyoshenka was simply a severely deformed child.

Bendlin police then gave the body of this mysterious creature to a UFO research organization called Star Academy and they have not returned Alyoshenka since then. That’s why no one sees Alyoshenka anymore. Ms. Prosvirina died in 1999 after being hit by a truck in the middle of the night.

Locals recalled that before being hit by a car, she was dancing on the highway. Most of the people who saw Alyoshenka in person have passed away. Researcher Vadim Chernobrov is strangely paralyzed from the waist down. The disease became more and more serious, causing him to pass away.

That’s why rumors have emerged that the “alien” Alyoshenka carries a deadly curse, causing anyone who comes into contact with it to die or encounter misfortune. In Kyshtym, people still remember the gloomy fate of Alyoshenka and other people involved. That’s why very few people here name their children Alexey.

However, recently, Komsomolskaya Pravda said that the mystery of Alyoshenka’s true identity was finally revealed. They contacted Ms. Galina Semenkova, the last person to come into contact with the strange creature, in charge of research on Alyoshenka.

“We performed a series of tests on the corpse with the help of a forensic expert. We can confirm that this is a human fetus, not an alien,” Ms. Galina revealed. highway.

Ms. Galina determined that this fetus was deformed due to pollution from the Kyshtym radiation disaster in Mayak in 1957. This place was originally a site for plutonium production for nuclear weapons and waste recycling.

Plutonium exploded at that time at the secret Mayak nuclear power plant, blowing away the 160-ton concrete roof. This is the third largest nuclear accident in history, after Fukushima in 2011 and Chernobyl in 1986. After the explosion, this area was seriously contaminated with radiation.

“Local doctors said they had seen many deformed fetuses after that disaster occurred. As for that ‘alien’ body, it was destroyed after tests,” Ms. Galina declare.

Previously, a gynecologist named Irina Uskova also confirmed that the strange creature was not an alien: “This is just a 22-week-old fetus with a tricuspid skull deformity, which has been recorded. many in the world’s medical literature.