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Join us in witnessing the breathtaking moment in Namibia where a mother hippo boldly confronts an approaching elephant to protect her precious calf

In a breathtaking encounter at Namibia’s Erindi Game Reserve, nature unfolded a gripping drama as an angry elephant threatened a young hippo in the water. Photographer Quintus Strauss captured the intense sequence, showcasing the raw, untamed struggles between these colossal creatures.

The drama began when Quintus heard the furious approach of the elephant towards the young hippo. The photographs depict the elephant raising its foot menacingly, seemingly ready to squash the helpless calf in the water. The baby’s mother swiftly intervened, her formidable jaws wide open in defense, and managed to bite the massive beast on the trunk.

The baby’s mother snaps into action, opening her devastating jaws towards the angry elephant. Photographer Quintus Strauss said he thinks the hippo managed to bite the massive beast on the trunk

The mother, a powerful female hippo, launched a ferocious counter-attack, knocking the elephant off-balance with her formidable bite. The giant stumbled in the water, creating a splash as the elephant’s trunk blasted water around the young hippo.

Undeterred, the angry elephant plunged down, attempting to crush the helpless calf, using its trunk like a hammer. However, the tenacious mother successfully fought off the elephant, leaving it in pain on its upper trunk. Quintus Strauss, the photographer, witnessed the entire confrontation, from the initial aggression to the mother’s courageous defense.

Quintus recalled the remarkable moment, stating that he heard the commotion while overlooking a dam from the lodge. Rushing to capture the unfolding spectacle, he observed the elephant chasing the mother hippo. Realizing the sheer size of her opponent, the mother hippo skillfully evaded the elephant’s pursuit, prompting it to turn its attention to the vulnerable calf.

The fierce battle between the mother hippo and the elephant ensued, with the photographer capturing the intense struggle. Despite the initial threat, the mother’s protective instincts prevailed, and she successfully defended her young. The photographs tell a story of resilience, courage, and the unpredictable dynamics of the animal kingdom, leaving viewers in awe of the untamed beauty and power of nature.

Pictured: Undated photograph of the elephant looking at the calf after it first chased the mother hippo from the watering hole

Pictured: The elephant before trying to crush the baby hippo. Thankfully, the mother was able to protect her young and successfully fought the elephant off – leaving it in pain on its upper trunk

Pictured: The hippos sharing an affectionate moment before the massive elephant interrupted

‘Everything went calm afterward and the mother and baby went their own way..’