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Ancient Secrets Unveiled: Mysterious 1,200-Year-Old Mummy Discovered Tightly Bound

The Siberian Ice Fairy, also recognized as the “Princess of Ukok” and “Princess Altai” of Ochi-Bala, is the appellation given to a 2,500-year-old female mummy unearthed in 1993. The discovery took place in a kurgan (mound) associated with the Pazyryk culture in the Altai Republic, Russia. This finding is deemed one of the most significant archaeological discoveries in Russia during the late 20th century.

The mummy was discovered in 1993.

While the retrieval of mummies is naturally carried out for scholarly investigation, peculiar occurrences have arisen. On July 31, 2012, precisely 19 years after the excavation of the princess’s mummy, a magnitude 5.3 earthquake transpired at the same location. Local residents interpret it as the “revenge of the mummy”!

Princess Altai.

What transpired? On July 31, 1993, archaeologists inadvertently stumbled upon the mummy of Princess Altai in an underground burial chamber on the Ukok Plateau near the border of China, in present-day Altai Autonomous Republic. This plateau is part of the Eurasian Steppes, which has a harsh, arid climate—a contributing factor to the excellent preservation of mummies.

Adjacent to the coffin containing the mummy, six horses equipped with saddles and straps, along with two warriors, were discovered. This indicates that the woman hails from a noble family. Princess Altai and the two warriors found with her are believed to be the Pazyryks, a nomadic tribe described by the Greek historian Herodotus in the 5th century BC.

Since its discovery, the mummy has undergone comprehensive research at the Museum of the Novosibirsk Institute of Archeology and Ethnology, encompassing facial reconstruction, DNA testing, and various other research projects.

According to the Siberian Times, the results of MRI analysis by two scientists, Andrey Letyagin and Andrey Savelov, published in the journal Science First Hand, revealed that “Princess Altai” had a primary tumor in her right breast and other parts of the body. Lymph nodes in the right axilla had metastases. It is unclear whether cancer was the cause of her death, as she also suffered from osteomyelitis, a bone infection, and significant trauma, including a skull fracture, possibly from a horse fall. But one thing is for sure, this princess endured a lot of pain.

The indigenous Altai people consider this 2,500-year-old mummy to be their ancestor. They called her Princess Kadyn (or Kydyn). In their story, the princess was a priestess who voluntarily sacrificed herself to protect the Earth from evil spirits.

Unanswered mysteries and eerie tales surround “Princess Altai,” primarily focusing on two issues that have not yet been satisfactorily addressed.

The first mystery revolves around the tattoos on the hand of a young girl, only about 25 years old. According to historical documents, tattooing is not unfamiliar to the Pazyryks, but still, no one understands the message conveyed by the painting on the mummy’s hand.

According to Ancient Origins, one of the most distinctive features of this mummy is her tattoos. She bears tattoos on both arms, from shoulder to hand, but only the tattoo on her left arm is well-preserved for scientists to study. It depicts a sacred animal of the Pazyryks: a two-headed deer with a vulture’s beak, sheep’s feet, and on its back bitten by a long-tailed leopard.

The second mystery is linked to the event in 2012, precisely 19 years after the mummy was unearthed, when a significant earthquake occurred in the area where the mummy was found.

The Altai aborigines have always believed that the scientists excavating and removing the princess angered the gods, leading to their wrath being unleashed on humans. It is also believed to be the cause of the 5.3-magnitude earthquake.

Some people believe in the “revenge of the mummy” due to a similar story. In 2001, a pilot who flew a plane carrying the mummy of this princess to the city confirmed that on the day the princess’s body was dug up, an earthquake happened, but no one believed this guy.

Scientists disregarded the objections and proceeded with their research. (Photo: Internet)

On September 27, 2003, a 6.6-magnitude earthquake, the largest in over 70 years, occurred, and the correlation was still not acknowledged.

During this time, public opinion became increasingly stirred when Boris Konchev, the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Altai, had an accident and died while bringing the mummy of “Princess Altai” back home. According to some, this is a warning from the mummy.

On July 31, 2012, an earthquake shook the Altai Mountains, and people harbored many doubts about the curse of “Princess Altai.” Is the curse of “Princess Altai” real, or is it just a strange coincidence? This remains a mystery with no satisfactory explanation.