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Discovered a calf with only two hind legs that looks quite like a kangaroo

The male calf was born a week ago in a town in Shandong province, but it lacked two front legs and was unable to stand on its own.

The determined calf can be seen bouncing around like a kangaroo on its hind legs and pushing itself forward with its nose on the ground in video footage.

The male calf was born a week ago in a village in Shandong province – but it was missing two front legs and could not stand up on its own. Its owner, Wang Shiyou, paid 200 yuan (£23) for it

The determined calf hops around like a kangaroo on its hind legs as it chases a child for milk

Mr Wang was asked by a friend to help sell the calf because it was born deformed

The calf belongs to Wang Shiyou, a villager in Rizhou city.

His friend had asked Mr Wang to help him sell the strange calf, saying that it was born deformed. 

‘When I saw the two-legged cow, I thought: ‘That’s not an everyday occurrence,’ he said while gently stroking the calf, who is seen sprawled on the ground beside him. 

‘I’ve never seen a special cow like this before, so I decided to keep it,’ he told local media, adding that he paid 200 yuan (£23) for the calf. 

Since its birth, villagers have flocked to take a peek at the bizarre animal

The young calf is currently in good health and can finish an entire case of milk every day

Mr Wang said the baby cow is a determined animal and would always try to stand up on its own

Right now, the baby cow is still unable to walk on its own and needs Mr Wang’s help to stand up.

‘It is a determined little calf,’ Mr Wang said. ‘It would keep trying to stand on its hind legs to balance itself while I’m not around.’

He added that the calf’s deformity might be genetic, or even attributable to the food given to the farmer’s herd of cattle.

Other than missing two front legs, the young calf is currently in good health and can finish an entire case of milk every day.

The calf’s deformity might be genetic, or even attributable to the food given to the farmer’s herd of cattle, according to its owner Mr Wang who bought the cow from a friend

Mr Wang plans to raise it and see it grow into a mature bull despite the physical deformity

Right now, the baby cow is still unable to walk on its own and needs Mr Wang’s help to stand up

Despite its physical disability, Mr Wang intends to raise it and watch it develop into a mature bull.

Since its birth, villagers have flocked to take a peek at the bizarre animal.

Children were also seen earnestly holding large cartons of milk and feeding the hungry calf. 

It is not the first animal with two legs instead of four to win plaudits in China. 

A farmer’s piglet in Sichuan Province, south-west China, became famous after learning to walk on its front legs while standing on its snout.

Since its birth, villagers have flocked to take a peek at the bizarre animal and help feed it

 Mr Wang said the determined calf would keep trying to stand on its hind legs to learn to walk