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Dog Is Often Rejected Till This Woman Notices His Attractiveness

Some people judge others primarily on their outward appearance, forgetting that what matters most is their inner beauty.

Lucky is a dog who has been abandoned multiple times in order to stand out. Several individuals who observed his life could not believe what they saw and were unable to meet this amazing dog, but one person did.

Lucky was born in a hatchery with a facial deformity, making him unsellable. So he was transferred to a shelter to find him a home, but it was really difficult because people judged him based on his appearance.

During her adoption process, she moved through several homes until she arrived at a family in Austin, Texas, where it appeared her luck might change.

Lucky’s life was unpleasant and lonely, despite the fact that he had found a permanent home, because his owner did not want him there. Because the woman had cats, she kept Lucky outside without a bed and with no human connection, sometimes for days.

The unhappy dog was even fed sparingly; he was ignored, mistreated, abused, and never afforded the affection he needed.

Finally, the family decided to surrender Lucky to the shelter because they were relocating and did not want to take him with them; it was obvious to them that Lucky was not a member of the family.

The dog was adopted again, but his new owners chose to return him to the shelter not long after. But then something happened on social media, and everything changed!

A shelter worker took Lucky to the hairdresser to get him ready for his shots. As the photos were shared on social media, they were seen by the right person: Jamie Hult, a volunteer friend.

The woman was so moved by the dog’s story that she wanted to see Lucky right away and, even better, adopt Lucky right away!

Jamie stated to IHeartdogs:

“It turned out to be someone from my dog rescue world, so I phoned him right away and said, ‘I want that puppy.’” I don’t even want to foster him; I want to adopt that dog.

Unfortunately, Lucky was in critical condition and needed immediate veterinary attention due to heartworm infection. Jamie didn’t care that the puppy was malnourished and plagued with fleas; she adored him and would happily open her wallet and heart for him.

Lucky had a long way to go to recover from his ailments, but with good medical care, he soon made a full recovery.

With a new home, a new life, and a new favorite person, the gorgeous canine gained a new name. It was known as “Beau Tox.”

Jamie stated:

“I named it Beaux Tox since it definitely looks like it requires botox, which is excellent. We value beauty in all of its manifestations. And the dog costs are exorbitant, which is why I don’t have botox!”

Since Jamie and Beaux Tox moved in together, everything has been wonderful and exciting. He is now a healthy dog living a great life; his days of being chained to a tree, of suffering and discrimination, are long gone.

Beaux Tox will no longer be rejected because he is different from others; all he has to do now is bask in all the love that his human mother would lavish on him.