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Donkey rescued from side of road can’t help but embrace her savior

Kadife is an orphaned donkey who was left to fend for herself after her mother tragically passed away when giving birth to her.

After her mother’s passing, poor Kadife stood on the side of the highway for days, waiting for someone to help her.


The sight of the young donkey beside her deceased mother touched the hearts of school teachers from a nearby village.

Recognizing her plight, they reached out to a kind-hearted individual named Mert Akkök. he was known for his dedication to the welfare of homeless animals, especially the young and vulnerable.


Welcomed into a new home during the cold winter months, Kadife was introduced to an unlikely group of companions: dogs.

Growing up alongside them, she began to display behaviors more commonly associated with canines than donkeys.

Whether it was playfully chasing them, attempting to sneak a bite of their food, or engaging in affectionate games of chase and kiss, Kadife seamlessly integrated herself into their world.


Now three years old, Kadife still exudes the innocence and playfulness of a young foal.

Spoiled and cherished, she has become the leader of her pack, a position she seems to have naturally assumed.

Her antics, such as running towards her caregiver and hugging him, even at the most inopportune moments, show her affectionate nature.


Among her canine companions, one particular dog named Ben stood out.

With his striking blonde fur and captivating green eyes, Ben and Kadife formed an inseparable bond.

Their days were spent side by side, from the moment they woke up to the time they nestled close to each other at night.

Their bond was evident in the little things, like Kadife’s playful habit of biting Ben’s collars or the way they constantly sought each other’s company.


The relationship between Kadife and Ben shows that family isn’t always defined by blood. For Kadife, her family consists of her canine siblings, with Ben holding a special place in her heart.

Their unique bond is a beautiful reminder of the unexpected friendships that can form when given the chance.


Kadife’s love for hugging is not just reserved for Ben. She extends this affectionate gesture to other animals and, most notably, to Mert.

Her demanding and dominant nature ensures that when she desires affection or play, those around her oblige. In her world, she is the boss, a role she assumes with both confidence and charm.


Reflecting on Kadife’s journey, it’s evident that her life, filled with challenges and heartbreak, has been transformed by the love and care she has received.

From the compassionate school teachers who first noticed her to the individual who opened his home to her, every act of kindness has played a role in shaping her story.


We’re so glad Kadife found a wonderful place to call home, and we’re sure she’s going to have a wonderful time growing up there.

Learn more about Kadife in the video below!

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