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Fіve moѕt іmрressіve gаlаxіes іn the Unіverѕe

Triangle II Galaxy. Image: NASA.

Triangle II is among the smallest galaxies, consisting of only about 1,000 stars. However, the motion of these stars is remarkably fast, equivalent to those in other galaxies. According to Sputnik News, one theory proposed by scientists is that this galaxy contains a significant amount of dark matter, while another opinion suggests that the cause is the gravitational pull of neighboring galaxies, including the Milky Way.

Tayna Galaxy. Image: NASA.

Tayna is the oldest and faintest ancient galaxy ever found. Researchers believe it formed just 400 million years after the Big Bang. Its name means “born first” in the Aymara language in South America.

Hercules A Galaxy. Image: NASA.

The galaxy Hercules A is particularly noteworthy for housing a black hole with a mass 2.5 billion times that of the Sun. This black hole is over 1,000 times larger than those within the Milky Way. It also emits two jets of plasma with a wavelength of 1.5 million light-years, making it one of the largest radio sources in the universe.

Milky Way Galaxy. Image: NASA.

The Milky Way comprises 70 white dwarf stars, deceased stars with lifespans almost equal to that of the universe. They are the first stars to have formed within the Milky Way.

M60-UCD1 Galaxy. Image: NASA.

The galaxy M60-UCD1 is 50 times smaller than the Milky Way but contains a black hole five times larger than those in the Milky Way. Previously, scientists believed that the mass of the black hole determined the size of the Milky Way, but the existence of M60-UCD1 has disproven this theory.