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Gary the goat breaks into homes, steals undies from washing lines and headbutts everyone

This fed-up farmer has goat to be kidding – because she took her silly goat gruff to a makeshift court.

‘He’d turn up with bras and pants on his head and we’d find undies in the barn. He gets it off the washing lines’ (Image: Sonja Horsman)

Anne Lomas decided to take the drastic action after Gary the goat starting causing mayhem on her farm in Cumbria.

She bought the animal in 2021 from a breeder with the idea that children visiting her alpacas could walk him.

But despite looking like butter wouldn’t melt, within hours Gary showed his devil horns meant business.

Straight away the two-foot tall terror started harassing the other farm animals, stealing their food and headbutting them.

Gary the goat (Image: Sonja Horsman)

Anne, who carried out a mock trial in January to hold him accountable for his behaviour, said: “Gary has been a nightmare from the get go.

“Pretty much the first day he was here he broke into the hen shed and started chasing them around and eating their feed.

“Within a few days I had to separate him from the other goats because he kept headbutting them with his horns.

“I put him in with the alpacas as they’re bigger than him and can handle him, but before long he started escaping.”

Anne then started receiving calls from locals in Grange-Over-Sands to say he was stealing their underwear.

He also developed a habit for upsetting children by bursting their footballs with his horns (Image: Sonja Horsman)


She added: “He’d turn up with bras and pants on his head and we’d find undies in the barn. He gets it off the washing lines.

“One of the villagers even found him asleep in their living room where he had broken in and left them a very unwanted present. He’s an animal!”

During lockdown Gary took to terrifying customers by jumping onto their picnic benches and eating their lunch.

He also developed a habit for upsetting children by bursting their footballs with his horns.

She said: “I’ve tried putting noodles on them but it’s pointless, he just shakes them off.”

Anne, who had a TikTok page for her alpacas, started filming Gary’s naughty antics and he has amassed more than 17,000 followers.

But in January this year, after biting a farmer’s bottom, Anne decided enough was enough.

She summoned Gary to a makeshift court and found him guilty of a string of charges from theft to criminal damage and assault.

Anne said: “Now when he’s naughty he has time out in what we’ve dubbed the pr*** paddock.

“It gives him time to think about his actions and to give the other animals a break from his bullying.”