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Giant ‘blood bubble’ outside Earth

The remnants of a massive supernova explosion take on the form of a gigantic red bubble in space.

The gas cloud forms a red bubble-like entity in the Dorado constellation. Image: NASA.

The Hubble Space Telescope from the United States and Europe has discovered a cloud of lingering gas from this enormous supernova explosion in the Dorado constellation, located about 150,000 light-years from Earth. NASA refers to it as SNR 0519.

This ethereal gas cloud forms a shape resembling a giant, ghostly bubble. It is the aftermath of a massive supernova explosion that occurred approximately 600 years ago.

Experts believe that SNR 0519 was once a white dwarf star before it underwent a cataclysmic explosion.

SNR 0519 resides within the Large Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy near the Milky Way, filled with numerous celestial wonders. It is not the only “blood bubble” within the Large Magellanic Cloud.

Several years ago, the Hubble telescope discovered an object with a strikingly similar appearance to SNR 0519 within this galaxy.