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Hіlаrіous huѕky рroteѕt: No bаth for ѕtіnky раws

Offended by her owner’s assumption that her feet stink, Meeka adamantly refuses to believe she needs a bath and expresses her discontent to her dad.

Rather than complying with her dad’s request for a bath, Meeka prefers lounging on the bed. However, her dad soon enters the room and detects the unpleasant odor emanating from her feet. He insists that she must take a bath to address the issue.

In an attempt to prove his point, Meeka’s dad kneels down and smells her paws, confirming that they indeed stink, and she needs to take a bath immediately.

Despite her dad’s insistence that she’s making the bed smell bad and must wash her paws, Meeka vehemently protests every word he says.

Meeka’s resistance doesn’t end there; she also argues with her mom when told that she can no longer sleep in their bed unless she takes a bath.

Meeka proves to be both loud and stubborn, as she remains unyielding about keeping her smelly paws on her parents’ bed. Regardless of their efforts, she refuses to get off the bed for a bath.

Do you have a dog like Meeka, who despises baths? She is a skilled debater, and one might wonder if she ever did take that bath. You can find more of her hilarious antics on her Instagram page, “meekathehuskyy.”

This adorable pup’s video is filled with humor, and we hope you enjoyed watching it. Feel free to share it with your friends as well.