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Hyрotheѕeѕ on the exіѕtence of раrаllel unіverѕeѕ.

The black hole hypothesis as gateways to other universes

According to New Scientist, in 2007, physicists proposed that black holes could act as portals to non-time dimensions. These portals serve as shortcuts connecting space and time, similar to folding a piece of paper to bring two distant points closer together. If humans could survive passing through a black hole, it could serve as a tunnel to another universe.

The hypothesis of time travel

Also in 2007, scientists put forth the idea of creating microscopic wormholes with particle accelerators in the future. This concept shares similarities with John Titor’s claim of reverse time travel from the year 2036 using two micro wormholes.

Parallel universes are a topic associated with numerous hypotheses. (Image:

Titor claimed to have traveled not only through time but also to multiple parallel worlds alongside our reality. While this story remains controversial, it has garnered support from the scientific community.

According to The Telegraph, scientist David Deutsch from the University of Oxford, UK, mathematically demonstrated that the structures forming the universe split into multiple versions of themselves. The existence of parallel universes also allows humans to explain time travel paradoxes and other issues.

The hypothesis of the universe existing Inside a bubble

Science Daily reports that many modern physics theories predict that our universe resides within a cosmic bubble. This implies that alongside our bubble, there exist other bubbles containing different universes. In this parallel universe system, fundamental constants and even the laws of nature can vary.

In 2011, two detailed studies were conducted on searching for evidence of parallel universes using the “bubble collision” principle. By examining signals in the cosmic microwave background radiation, cosmologists can detect traces of collisions in our universe caused by the hypothetical “bubble universes.”

The hypothesis of interacting parallel universes

In 2014, a group of scientists from the US and Australia proposed a hypothesis suggesting that parallel universes not only exist but also interact with each other. In this scenario, our universe is just one among a vast number of parallel universes, all coexisting in reality. The peculiar quantum effects we observe are the result of a “universal push-pull force” between our universe and neighboring universes.