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Jaw-Dropping Encounter: Lions vs. Crab at MalaMala Game Reserve!

Watch as these curious lions come across a crab in the heart of the South African wilderness. Will the crustacean escape?

The crustacean had emerged from its burrow and was daringly trying to cross a river at the MalaMala Game Reserve.

But little did it know that a stroke of bad luck was about to test its luck.

The scuttling crab caught the attention of the young lions. They couldn’t resist their curiosity.

First, one of the sub-adults went for a closer look. But the freshwater crab wasn’t in the mood for a showdown.

The crab stood up on its back legs, claws raised, ready to defend itself.

Within moments, four other young lions joined in, surrounding the crab in a pincer movement.”

But the fearless crustacean wouldn’t back down. It carried on retreating towards its burrow in the river bank, keeping the lions at bay.”

Until finally, the crab managed to escape down its hole to safety.”

The young predators, known for their size and strength, should have easily overtaken the crab. But the snap of its claws and its defiance made the lions think twice.”

Ruggiero: “We left the camp at sunrise, hoping to find lions. And boy, were we lucky!”

Robyn: “We came across a pride of lions at a riverbank. They were sheltering from the wind in the Mlowathi Riverbed. We thought they were sleeping, so we planned to come back later.”

Ruggiero: “But suddenly, one of the sub-adults caught our attention. It was staring at something unusual.”

Robyn: “At first, we thought it was a scorpion, but to our surprise, it was a crab!”

Ruggiero: “Crabs usually come out after dark, but this one decided to cross the river in broad daylight, piquing the curiosity of the young lions.”

Robyn: “The poor little fella was trying to make it to the riverbank, where its burrow was. Unfortunately, more lions came over to investigate.”

Ruggiero: “Five of them surrounded the crab, but it never backed down. It kept its claws raised, ready to defend itself.”

Robyn: “Finally, the crab reached the bank and disappeared into its burrow. At that point, the young lions lost interest.”

Did you know that the only crab in the world with enough force in its claws to match a lion’s bite is the coconut crab?

These incredible creatures grow up to 18 inches and possess super-strength pincers.

They can even smash open coconuts, showcasing their extraordinary power

The pinching force of the largest coconut crab is almost equal to the bite force of an adult lion. They can generate a force of about 90 times their body weight.”

That’s nearly six tons of force! Imagine crushing something with that kind of power in the presence of a lion.

Nature never fails to surprise us. In the vast landscapes of the MalaMala Game Reserve, even the smallest creatures can defy the odds. Join us as we continue to explore the wonders of the wild.

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