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Lifelong Love: Elderly Dog’s Tradition of Bringing Matching Toys on Hikes

If you happen to meet Hana and her golden retriever, Gumbo, out on the hiking trail (or anywhere, really), chances are you’ll also meet Shrimp, Gumbo’s plushie look-alike.

Gumbo’s love for Shrimp is well-known, and he adores showing off his favorite toy to anyone they encounter. Hana, his owner, shared, “He loves to take his best friend and favorite toy, Shrimp, everywhere with him.”

Gumbo and Shrimp’s inseparable bond began in 2017 when Hana purchased Shrimp from IKEA. Initially, she didn’t buy Shrimp with Gumbo in mind, but it didn’t take long for Shrimp to become Gumbo’s closest companion.

Hana’s hiking experiences changed significantly after Gumbo entered her life. While in high school, she occasionally went hiking with friends, but it was Gumbo who inspired her to make hiking a regular part of her life. “We moved to the Pacific Northwest and met some dog friends who got us more into hiking,” Hana said. “So you can say we discovered our love of hiking together.”

Just as Gumbo is Hana’s faithful hiking companion, Shrimp plays the role of Gumbo’s biggest supporter. “We take Shrimp on basically every hike,” Hana explained, noting that Shrimp typically rides in her backpack while she and Gumbo hit the trails. Gumbo prefers not to carry Shrimp, especially when he’s focused on the hike and enjoying his time outdoors.

Hana added, “Gumbo usually stays pretty close to me. If he is hiking off-leash (where it is allowed), he will get the zoomies and run up and down the trail.” As Gumbo has grown older, now at 8.5 years, he has slowed down and often stays right beside Hana during their hikes.

However, Gumbo has a sweet ritual to celebrate the end of their hiking adventures. “Usually at the end of the hike, [Gumbo’s] favorite thing to do is to take Shrimp and show him off to everyone else at the end of the trail,” Hana said. He proudly displays Shrimp to her hiking buddies or even strangers who want to say hello to him.

Hana believes that Gumbo genuinely understands that Shrimp is a special toy, and he associates Shrimp with their outdoor adventures. There was even a time when they accidentally left Shrimp behind on a hiking trail. After realizing their oversight, they drove back, and to their surprise, Shrimp was perched perfectly on the trailhead sign, patiently waiting for their return.

For pet parents interested in introducing their dogs to hiking, Hana recommends researching pet-friendly trails in your area and understanding local leash laws. She also emphasizes the importance of carrying a first aid kit in your backpack for both you and your dog’s safety.

And if your dog has a beloved toy, take a cue from Gumbo and Shrimp by including a travel buddy in your hiking plans. It’s a heartwarming way to enhance the adventure for both you and your furry friend.