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Pompeii victim crushed by a boulder while fleeing the erupting volcano

In May, archaeologists in Pompeii, Italy, made an interesting discovery: the remains of a man whom they believe survived the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius around the year 79 A.C. At the time, it was believed that a flying block of rock hit the man as he ran away, leading to his death. However, in the months since the discovery, new insights have emerged that, in turn, point to an entirely different cause of death.

Archaeologists’ initial findings were based on the presence of a stone block right next to the lower part of the victim’s skeleton. In photos of the excavation site, the body appears to be pinned by a giant rock. Therefore, the team deduced that the block of rock severed the man’s body, breaking the upper part in the process.

However, after further analysis of the site, researchers unearthed missing parts of his upper body, including his upper limbs, chest, and skull. Based on new observations, they announced earlier this week that the man’s death was not caused by the block but was instead caused by suffocation. Essentially, pyroclastic flows – fast-moving streams of hot gas and lava spewed by volcanoes – are what killed ancient humans.

The block of rock, according to researchers, could be a door frame that was broken off from the main structure during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. At the time of his death, this man was at least 30 years old. The presence of lesions on the tibia suggests a bone infection that may have caused him to limp, thus making escape more difficult.

Surveys of the excavation site also revealed a tunnel beneath the man’s skeleton, dating from the Bourbon period of the 1700s and 1800s. According to archaeologists, part of the tunnel collapsed long ago, causing the upper part of the victim’s skeleton to fall away from the rest of the body.

Skeletal remains were identified as including the upper chest, upper limbs, skull, and jaw. Currently undergoing analysis, they show a number of fractures, the nature of which will be determined so that the last moments of the man’s life can be reconstructed with greater accuracy.

In addition to the ancient bones, a small wallet containing 20 silver coins and two coins was discovered at the site. The team said the deceased was found holding his wallet close to his chest. Worth enough to last a family of three for two weeks, the coins are currently being examined by experts.