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Preserving History: The Unbelievable State of Bishop Windstrups’ 400-Year-Old Body!

The body of a bishop who lived almost 400 YEARS ago has been found remarkably well preserved.

And experts hope that the discovery will shine a light on life in the 1600s.

The 17th century Bishop Peder Winstrup is resting in Lund, Sweden, where he lived from 1605 until his death in 1679.

The former Bishop of Lund, who was laid to rest 336 years ago in the crypt of Lund Cathedral in Sweden, is believed to be one of the best preserved bodies of his time.

The coffin was opened in order to apply modern scientific techniques to a body known to be in remarkable condition.

Father time: The former Bishop of Lund was laid to rest 336 years ago in the crypt of Lund Cathedral in Sweden ( Image:
The imposing coffin in the crypt of the cathedral had been opened several times before.

A black and white photograph taken almost a century ago shows all his clothes perfectly preserved and his bearded face still bearing a striking resemblance to his portrait.

In June the coffin was opened to reveal the body of a tiny baby hidden under Winstrup’s feet.

The little corpse, believed to be of a foetus born several months prematurely, was revealed for the first time when scientists scanned the coffin.

Academics believe the baby could have been illegitimate and was slipped into the coffin when the bishop died to ensure it was buried in holy ground.

A scholar, scientist, collector and theologian, Bishop Winstrup was one of the founders of Lund University in 1666, now ranked among the top 100 in the world.

Scanned body: An osteologist working on the project said his gallbladder was full of gallstones, which suggests he ate a lot of fatty foods ( Image:
He was appointed Bishop of Lund in 1638, holding the title as the diocese and the region transferred from Danish to Swedish control.

He died in 1679, probably of pneumonia after several long and painful illnesses including gout, arthritis, gallstones , plaque on his heart, and possibly tuberculosis.

His teeth were also badly decayed by sugar, which unlike many of his contemporaries, he was rich enough to afford.

Surprise find: The body was not embalmed, but was naturally dried out with all its internal organs ( Image:

Caroline Ahlström Arcini, an osteologist working on the project, said his gallbladder was full of gallstones, which suggests he ate a lot of fatty foods.

He also had an injury to one of the tendons in his shoulder, which would have made tasks such as combing his hair or putting on a shirt, painfully difficult.

The other surprise for the scientists was that the body was not embalmed, but was naturally dried out with all its internal organs.

The bishop was buried on a mattress stuffed with herbs including juniper and wormwood.

His head was pillowed on hops, which the scientists believe would have helped preserve the remains as well as hiding the smell.

Although the colours have faded, his clothes were also perfectly preserved, including a velvet cape and leather gloves.