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Romanian Resident Records Alien Boarding UFO and Liftoff in Captivating Video

In the upcoming video, you will witness what appears to be an extraterrestrial entity boarding a flying saucer just before it embarks on a journey. The footage for this video was recorded in an uninhabited, snow-covered region of Romania near the town of Targoviste.

According to a video posted to YouTube, the footage shot a few years back, demonstrating how a big-head humanoid moves on two legs towards his spaceship.As soon as the alien gets inside the spacecraft, it slowly departs and vanishes.Just then, he heard a hum, like the sound of a transformer being turned on. It was coming from the clearing next to the grove. The pensioner got up, walked to the trees and parted their branches to determine the source of the hum. He saw a black vehicle a few hundred yards from the grove.

At first, the man thought that it might be the car of some criminals who had come to settle their business or scores in a secluded place. The witness changed his mind when he saw that the black vehicle had no wheels and was hanging in the air, several dozen centimeters above the ground. The terrified man ran away. When he was within a kilometer of the clearing, he stopped and looked in its direction. At this point, his horror was even greater. The black vehicle was moving vertically upwards at high speed. However, the man managed to photograph him.

The video had millions of views, but most viewers insisted that the entire video all CGI. But as often occurs, there people who really believed what they heard. Believing that this is massive evidence of the presence of extraterrestrials.

The video continues with another footage of the same form of UFO soaring over the mountains of Romania.

Based on the interview with the witness of the event, who was asked a lot of tricky questions, the ufologists did not rule out the authenticity of the event. However, they waited for further reports of unidentified flying objects that would confirm their belief in the truth of the event. They didn’t come out until a year later.