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Strange phenomena in the Universe

Strange Crystal Rain

Beautiful images of crystal rain.

Many people are familiar with phenomena like hail or meteor showers, but crystal rain is an even more peculiar occurrence that can only be observed in space. The star HOPS-68, located 1,350 light-years away from Earth, is a star with a structure similar to the Sun when it was young. Surrounding this star is a cloud of gas and dust, primarily composed of olivine crystals, which are greenish gems found on Earth and consist mainly of iron and magnesium. What’s peculiar is that due to the rather cold temperature of these gas and dust clouds (approximately -170 degrees Celsius), olivine crystals condense into tiny particles and fall like a beautiful, miraculous crystal rain.

Cosmic Cannibalism

Collision between Andromeda and the Milky Way.

Similar to life on Earth, galaxies in the universe can “consume” each other and evolve as a result. Andromeda, a galaxy located close to the Milky Way, is currently in the process of devouring many of its satellites. Over a dozen dwarf galaxies are scattered throughout Andromeda. Scientists believe these are remnants left behind after Andromeda’s cosmic “feasts.”

Unique Phenomenon of Sand and Molten Iron Rain

Image of a brown dwarf star.

Brown dwarf stars form from low-mass stars that lack the necessary material for nuclear fusion. Consequently, they are relatively cold, with some even colder than the human body. Their low temperatures mean that they don’t emit visible light detectable by astronomers. One such brown dwarf, 2M2228, is located 39.1 light-years away and exhibits light variations on its surface every 90 minutes. This variation is a result of clouds moving across the brown dwarf’s surface in a storm the size of Earth. The surface temperature of the star is around 600-700 degrees Celsius, causing the formation of unusual substances in these clouds, including sand and molten iron.

Supernova Temperature Fluctuations

Image of star HD 80606b.

HD 80606b is another “hot Jupiter” that is roughly four times larger than our own. It follows an elliptical orbit around its star, taking 111.4 Earth days to complete a revolution, at a distance about 0.88 times that from Earth to the Sun.

While observing this planet, scientists discovered enormous fluctuations in thermal radiation on its surface. Within just a few hours, a sudden change in radiation results in the temperature on the planet’s surface doubling from 500 degrees Celsius to over 1,000 degrees Celsius. This temperature oscillation is the most significant observed among all planets studied by scientists. Furthermore, this phenomenon leads to unexpected bursts of radiation, generating winds on the planet’s surface reaching speeds of up to 17,000 km/h and creating superheated waves covering the entire planet. During these times, the planet is enveloped in a wall of wind and fire, making it inhospitable for any nearby objects.

Mysterious Light Bending Phenomenon

Space travelers have occasionally reported seeing real-life images while in orbit. American astronaut Gordon Cooper, for instance, claimed to have seen houses and other structures with the naked eye while flying over Tibet. This phenomenon, later known as light bending, magnified ground structures. From a scientific perspective, this is quite perplexing since at a distance of 300 km, it should be impossible to distinguish individual houses or structures. Russian cosmonaut Vytali Sevactyanov also confirmed seeing his own two-story house in Suchi while orbiting, which remains an enigma from a scientific standpoint.