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The Hubble teleѕсoрe doeѕ not ѕhарe the ESO 174-1 gаlаxy.

This striking image was captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. Situated approximately 11 million light-years away from Earth, ESO 174-1 is observed as a luminous cloud with a twisted band of gas and dust.

This image is part of a collection of observations conducted by Hubble, aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of our neighboring galaxies. The observations aim to uncover more about the bright stars and fundamental characteristics of all known galaxies within a radius of 10 Mpc (32.6 million light-years).

This program to capture these nearby galaxies is designed to make use of the 2 to 3% of Hubble’s downtime between observation sessions. Continuously observing objects on both sides would not be efficient. Therefore, utilizing this downtime for observations and obtaining similar results to what you see with ESO 174-1 here helps fill in the gaps in other observations. This filling strategy allows scientists to make the most of every last minute of Hubble’s observation time.