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The reason why nearly 200 martian meteorites fell to Earth

Even a slight collision between an asteroid and Mars can propel rocks into space and towards Earth, according to a breakthrough study by researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

 Researchers have documented 188 asteroids that have fallen to Earth with origins from Mars. Photo: iStock

   In a groundbreaking study, scientists discovered the trajectory of Martian meteorites to Earth. Through testing common assumptions and conducting complex simulations in a laboratory setting, the research team found the force required to launch rocks from Mars into lower space was less than previously predicted. This discovery holds significant implications for understanding the geological history of the Red Planet and the abundance of Martian meteorites on Earth.

Out of the thousands of meteorites discovered on Earth, about 188 have been confirmed to originate from Mars. Throughout the tumultuous history of the solar system, asteroids impacted Mars with enough force to shatter rocks into space, which eventually drifted through the cosmos, fell through Earth’s atmosphere, and reached the planet’s surface. Astronomers had previously believed that only the most powerful collisions could eject rocks from Mars. However, a recent study published on May 3 in the journal Science Advances reveals that the necessary collision force is considerably smaller, meaning that many more Martian rock fragments may exist in space and travel to Earth.

To unravel the mysteries surrounding Martian meteorites, scientists utilized advanced simulations within a laboratory setting to recreate collision conditions. By exposing rock specimens containing plagioclase, a common Martian mineral, to intense pressure generated by gunshots, the research team could observe and analyze changes that occurred during the impact.

Through laboratory simulations, researchers discovered that the force required to launch Martian rocks into space is significantly lower than initially presumed. Previous experiments had indicated that plagioclase transformed into a glass-like compound called maskelynite at 30 gigapascals (GPa) of pressure. However, the new study suggests that the transformation occurs at around 20 GPa, challenging the understanding of launch dynamics.

As a result of the research findings, even a moderate collision on Mars can cause rocks to be launched into space, increasing the chances of Martian meteorites reaching Earth. This discovery opens up numerous exciting possibilities for detecting more Martian meteorites and collecting valuable data on geological processes on the Red Planet.

The research findings hold significant implications for gaining insights into the geological history of Mars. Meteorites provide unique information about Mars’ past, such as its formation, volcanic activity, and potential support for life. By identifying the specific forces that affect Martian rocks, scientists can refine meteorite research and pinpoint the impact craters where they originate on Mars.

(Source: Interesting Engineering)