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Unconditional Love: The Little Pup’s Story of Finding His Forever Home and Spreading Happiness

Introducing Smile, a little rescue dog whose moniker is derived from her never-ending smile.

Smile’s life had its own set of challenges from the very beginning. Being born in a hoarding house in Tijuana, Mexico, she was deprived of the basic necessities of love and care that every living being deserves. However, Smile displayed remarkable resilience and was eventually rescued by No Dog Left Behind (NDLB). When she arrived at the shelter, she greeted her new acquaintances with a broad and infectious smile that went all the way up to her ears.

Stephanie Easley, the operations manager at NDLB, shared with The Dodo how Smile managed to steal the hearts of the intake team. Smile was rescued from Tijuana, along with 23 other dogs, by the At-Choo Foundation in Toluca Lake, California. Unfortunately, all of them were suffering from a painful skin condition, but Smile’s case wasn’t as severe. When NDLB in Minnesota heard about Smile’s story and saw her pictures, they knew that she was meant to be with them.

In a Facebook post, NDLB expressed their love for Smile and how they were captivated by the hope in her eyes. They were determined to rescue the dog and with the help of Mutt Mutt Engine, they successfully transported her from California to Minnesota. Although Smile was initially scared and timid, even biting her rescuers’ hands, they gently carried her to her new kennel where she eventually warmed up to them. Easley noted that once Smile was out of the van and no longer felt cornered, her behavior improved significantly, and she peacefully watched the volunteers work while curled up in a ball.

Smile, a lovable pup with a skin condition, was placed in quarantine. However, the dedicated rescue team did not let this hinder their affection towards her. In fact, Smile reciprocated their love by flashing them her million-dollar smile. One of the members, Easley, narrated how Smile won her heart in an instant when she sat up and smiled at her from her kennel. This inspired Easley to foster Smile, providing her with a comfortable place to recover while searching for a permanent home.

Currently, Smile is experiencing the happiest moments of her life with Easley in their home. From the beginning of the day, they spend all their time together, starting with a delightful wake-up call. As soon as Easley opens his eyes, he is greeted by Smile’s loving gaze and her beaming smile, which never fades away. Although Smile’s early years were filled with sorrow, her cheery disposition now masks any past pain. Moreover, Easley can discern from the twinkle in her eyes that she is genuinely content.

According to Easley, what sets Smile apart from other dogs is the authentic affection that shines through her eyes. Her eyes are very expressive, making it easy to understand her thoughts and emotions just by looking at her. Although Easley is thoroughly enjoying their time together, she is aware that it won’t last forever.

Although we adore her with our entire being, we acknowledge that we may not be the ideal match for her,” Easley expressed. “I hope that she will come across a family who cherishes her just as much as mine does, someone who causes her to beam with joy and gaze upon them with utter affection.”

At the moment, Smile has a number of adoption applications waiting for her approval, which is comforting news for her companions at NDLB. They are confident that she will finally find her perfect forever home once she has fully recovered. Easley stated that they will be able to locate the right people for her, the ones she has been longing for all her life. Currently, the loving dog is taking pleasure in her time with her foster family, snuggling up with them and forgetting about her painful past. NDLB commented on Smile’s incredible gratitude and trust despite the discomfort she endures. She understands that things will improve from now on.