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Unrаvelіng the Unіverѕe’ѕ сreаtion аnd the ѕurvіval of humаnіty.

The universe continues to conceal numerous secrets that challenge the scientific community, such as its origin, the future of the universe, or the origin of black holes.

Where does the universe come from?

According to scientists, the universe originated from a big bang and is continuously expanding. As long as there is birth, there is death. Will the universe meet its demise? Until now, the fate of the universe remains an unsolved puzzle.

Humanity is unable to provide an accurate speculation regarding the law of gravity and the expansion of the universe. There are still many undetermined aspects based on observations made by astronomers.

According to scientists, these undetermined aspects are related to the theory of expansion. According to this theory, the universe began as an empty space resembling a bubble. In that empty space, the initial expansion rate of the universe was much greater than the speed of light. 

After the process of expansion ends, the ultimate source of energy that caused the universe to expand has not been depleted. It may still exist within the universe, hidden in space, silently continuing to expand the universe further. 

To substantiate this argument, scientists have conducted numerous observations of luminous planets within the galaxy. Through these observations, they have noticed that the energy source causing the universe’s expansion may still be present, quietly exerting its effect. This implies that the universe continues to expand. 

Will humanity inevitably face extinction?

The factors determining the future of the universe, its expansion, and the energy generating swirling forces that contribute to the universe’s expansion are concealed within space. However, what humans are most concerned about is their own destiny.

How will humanity play a role in the universe? Will humanity inevitably face extinction? As humans continue to evolve, we can alter the Earth, and we have already become masters of our living environment. These are unanswered questions that remain to be resolved and it is uncertain when humanity will find the answers.

The search for answers to the mysteries of the universe may perpetually continue without an endpoint, perhaps until the doomsday of humanity.

Certainly, no one can assert anything, and it is possible that in some distant future, humans will assume an invincible position in the universe thanks to their highly developed capabilities.

Who dares to be certain? It is best to let humanity and extraterrestrial beings wait and see, as Einstein once wrote in a letter to a worried young boy regarding the fate of the world: “Speaking about the future of this world, the opinion of the old man is: Let’s wait and see!” 

The mystery of black holes

Within the depths of the universe lies a highly peculiar region where any object, regardless of its size, is inevitably pulled inward. This phenomenon is known as a black hole.

Black holes remain a significant enigma to this day. However, since the late 19th century, some understanding about black holes has been established.

In 1898, a renowned French mathematician, Laplace, pointed out that if the density or mass of an object reaches a certain level, it becomes invisible to us because light cannot escape from its surface. In other words, light traveling towards it cannot reflect back to our eyes.

However, it was only after Einstein published the theory of relativity that black holes truly captured the attention of scientists.

Based on this theory, researchers began investigating the causes of their formation and the conditions of their existence. But it was not until 1965 when scientists detected X-rays emitted from the Cygnus constellation that humanity officially gained a gateway to explore the black holes of the universe.This celestial object was referred to as “Cygnus X-1” by astronomers at that time. According to researchers, X-1 is 20 times larger than the Sun and located 8,000 light-years away from Earth. 

Studies have also shown that the orbit of X-1 is undergoing changes, likely due to the presence of a black hole nearby. This black hole is 5-10 times larger than the Sun, with a rotation period around X-1 of 5 days. It is the first black hole ever identified by humans. Ultimately, how many mysteries does this black hole, the enigmatic island of the universe, conceal within itself?

There are various explanations for the formation of black holes. Some believe that when a planet reaches its final stage and its fuel is nearly depleted, it will undergo a strong self-contraction under its own gravitational force. If the mass of the planet after contraction is three times larger than the mass of the Sun, the result will be a black hole.

 Others suggest that black holes are formed as a result of the explosive transformation of a planet during a supernova event. There are also those who theorize that during the Big Bang, which gave birth to the universe, the energy source that caused the expansion of the universe compressed a certain amount of matter, giving rise to primordial black holes.

In summary, up to now, humanity has not been able to unveil the secret veil surrounding black holes. However, with the continuous development of science and technology and our relentless efforts to explore, humans will undoubtedly unravel the mysteries surrounding them.