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Wіtneѕѕіng the lіmіtleѕѕ vіѕtаѕ from the edge of the сoѕmoѕ.

However, with advancements and progress, humans have achieved extraordinary feats in the field of space exploration, turning the dream of exploring the heavens into reality. Therefore, when people step outside the Earth, they realize that it is actually a spherical entity of true proportions.

Moreover, humans have discovered that beyond the Earth lies an immense universe, where the Earth is merely a tiny celestial body within it.

Due to the vast mysteries inherent in the universe, humans have been exploring it ever since they ventured into space. However, the universe is so vast that human-launched spacecraft have not yet ventured beyond the solar system.

Nevertheless, one should not underestimate the intellect of humans. While it may be impossible for humans to physically travel into the environment of the universe, they can use space probes to observe its vastness. Through observations, humans have determined that the diameter of the universe is 93 billion light-years, a staggering figure beyond imagination. However, this is not the actual size of the universe. No one knows the true size of the universe, and it cannot be measured with the current technological level of humans. Therefore, some speculate that the universe is truly infinite. However, in the realm of existence, there cannot be something without boundaries, just as there cannot be a living being that exists eternally. It is simply that the universe is so vast that it appears to have no boundaries.

Since the universe has a size, what lies beyond its boundaries? If humans were to stand at the edge of the universe, what would they see?

Some believe that beyond the universe, there must be an equally mysterious world, and perhaps the universe is just a small part of a larger world beyond. In addition to the observable universe, there may be countless other universes. Perhaps standing at the cosmic boundary, humans may witness extraterrestrial life traversing between these universes.

However, humans may not be able to leave the universe, as there could be an energy barrier at the outermost part of the universe. If humans wish to surpass this energy barrier and step beyond the universe, they would need to create an opening, perhaps a deep black hole. Of course, this would require immense power.

All the aforementioned statements are, in fact, mere speculation, and no one knows what will truly occur. Moreover, reaching the limits of the universe remains a distant possibility with the current level of human civilization. However, given the rapid pace of technological advancement, with the passage of time, all these possibilities are bound to become reality. At that point, the universe may no longer be an environment full of secrets.

Despite humans unraveling the mysteries of the universe, they may also encounter the mysteries of even larger environments, and these grander enigmatic realms could symbolize the ongoing progress of humanity’s exploration.