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British Researcher Claims Monumental DNA Discovery in Nazca Mummies

A British researcher claims to have carried out DNA tests on the mysterious Nazca mummies, and the results could be the most important discovery of the 21st century.

A British researcher believes his team has found a new human species after completing a series of scientific tests and studies on one of the mummies unearthed by grave robbers in Peru.

Using state-of-the-art DNA and carbon testing, the researcher has claimed that the mummy could be 1,800 years old.

The results of the test suggest that the mummy was 98.5 percent “primate” and 1.5 percent “unknown,” a genetic makeup similar to that of a human.

Steve Merritt, a British researcher and documentarian, gained access to the bodies in Peru and was allowed to take several samples for DNA testing.

Steve and his research colleague, Barry Fitzgerald, were taken to a secret location in the Andes to examine the bodies using X-ray technology.

Mr. Merritt called the findings “alter the history books forever” as they create a thoroughly debated theory about his journey and discoveries.

He also believes that the other corpses found, thought by some to be extraterrestrial beings, had been faked as decoys using animal bones and skin.

His investigation found that one of the bodies, nicknamed Maria, contained three fingers and a tooth pointed out by Merritt to be “unknown to primates or humans.”

The investigation also discovered that “Maria” had all her organs, fingerprints, and footprints.

The mummified bodies were handed over to the Inca Institute in Cusco, Peru, which investigates archaeological discoveries related to the Incas, in April last year. Merritt said, “We can confirm that we have evidence that Maria’s body is an incredible discovery.

“It’s a discovery that may cause us to alter our understanding of the history books forever. It could be the most important discovery of the 21st century.”


A press conference was held in Lima in March to announce the discovery to the world before the DNA results were known.

Mr. Merritt said that he also believes that natural features, once thought to be made on the body after his death, are real, including canine teeth, the absence of ears and horizontal dermal ridges.

The British researcher also says that his team is the only one that has managed to obtain authentic DNA results, and he desperately wants Maria to be in the care of the Peruvian government.

Continuing, Mr. Merritt said: “We took on this case to disprove many of the unscientific claims that these mummies beings were in fact ‘extraterrestrial’ or originating from a hidden, subterranean world.

“We know where these bodies are kept and the preservation of these bodies is extremely important.

“The bodies are degrading rapidly. There are a number of other parties involved and even the controls of the doctors involved. The startling discovery within Maria’s DNA deserves the utmost attention.”

This is simply not true, and it must stop. The lab reports of others involved are questionable and even the controls of the doctors involved. The startling discovery within Maria’s DNA deserves the utmost academic attention and nothing less.