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Discovering a “mysterious woman” in a thousand-year-old tomb, Expert: The first beauty in history, no one more than her

We all know that in ancient times there were four great beauties namely Dieu Thuyen, Tay Thi, Vuong Chieu Quan and Duong Quy Phi. Since ancient times, people often use phrases such as: “Truong Ngu Lac Nhan”, “Bear Nguyet Tu Hoa” to praise the beauty of these four beauties in turn. Their beauty astounded that era, has been passed down to modern times. But the true appearance of the 4 beauties is still unknown, with the advancement of technology in recent years, experts are able to restore the true appearance of the ancients based on the corpses.

Pictures of four great beauties. Image source: soundofhope

Referring to the archeology of the An Khu monument, Phu Hao must be mentioned, the excavation of Phu Hao’s tomb can be considered an important milestone in the archeological history of the Shang Dynasty. Scholars, through the study of the inscriptions on the bone armor, have also revealed to us the mystery of the woman who actually existed in history but was not recorded in history, a priest, a Great Empress of the Shang Dynasty.

Currently, many large ancient tombs have been excavated, people have restored the ancient corpses as the original, everyone says that in ancient times there were many beauties, but many people were surprised to see them. The woman in the thousand-year-old tomb was discovered ten years ago.

In fact, since ancient times, people have different definitions of beauty in each period. In ancient times, it was thought that a healthy woman was beautiful, but in the Warring States period, it was considered that a woman who was as gentle as water and with delicate facial features was beautiful. At that time, beauty was completely determined by facial features, and the use of makeup to beautify it was not until the Han Dynasty, this beautiful woman was discovered in the ruins of the last capital. Love life.

At that time, experts discovered an ancient tomb at the site of the late Shang capital and then began to excavate it, but the difficulty of excavating this ancient tomb was very high. The experts dug more than ten meters before digging to the tomb, when the tomb door was opened, the experts were shocked by the endless array of jade and jewelry, interestingly, there are 1928 custom objects. buried in an excavated tomb. Including 755 jade objects. This is a single tomb from the Shang Dynasty with the largest number of jade objects found, the richest variety, the most sophisticated craftsmanship, and many jade items with dragon and phoenix carvings. In this tomb, experts have unearthed a large number of bronze items, a quarter of which are weapons of that time.

The name “Phu Hao” is engraved on these bronzes, so experts conclude that the owner of the tomb is the wife of Thuong Vuong Vu Dinh and the mother of To Ji Lead. She is not only a talented empress, but also the first female general in Chinese history.

Phu Hao was a great Empress of the Shang Dynasty. Image source: soundofhope

Phu Hao once led the soldiers of the Shang Dynasty to conquer the surrounding countries and made great contributions to the stability of the Shang. She also often presided over important sacrifices for the country, but the Shang kings paid great attention to sacrifices, she herself was very good and beautiful but unfortunately passed away at the age of 30.

Phu Hao was restored. Image source: Baidu

Very mournful King Thuong built a large tomb for her. Then, experts restored Phu Hao’s appearance, after seeing Phu Hao’s real face, everyone couldn’t help but admire and be amazed. It can be said that Phu Hao’s beautiful appearance and noble qualities are better than the four great beauties. Experts in the field of archeology are full of praise and call her the first beauty in history, no one can be more beautiful than her.