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How long will it take for humanity to usher in the era of interstellar travel?

At the current moment, interstellar travel is an impossibility for us, but if we could construct a spacecraft that can surpass the speed of light’s limitations, it would be an entirely different story.

Humanity has been curious and desirous of exploring the vast and mysterious cosmos from ancient astronomical observations to modern space technology, our quest for knowledge knows no bounds.

However, the scale of the universe is so immense that we measure distances in light-years, the distance light travels in a vacuum in one year, which is equivalent to approximately 5.88 trillion miles. Even the closest star to us, Proxima Centauri, is 4.3 light-years away, meaning that even with the fastest spacecraft available today, it would take tens of thousands of years to reach it. Such time and distances make interstellar travel seem futile and discouraging. So, is there any way to reach those distant galaxies? Is there any technology that allows us to break the speed of light barrier?

The answer is yes, and that is the concept of the warp drive. The warp drive is a hypothetical device that would enable a spacecraft to move faster than the speed of light without violating the laws of physics. Its principle of operation involves manipulating the space around it to reduce the distance between the spacecraft and its destination. While the warp drive remains unproven in reality, it has become one of the most popular and intriguing concepts in science fiction. So, what exactly is the warp drive, and can it make interstellar travel a reality?

The prototype of the warp drive appeared in 1957 when German physicist Kerhard Heim proposed a theoretical framework known as Heim theory. This theory aimed to resolve the conflicts between quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity within a six-dimensional spacetime framework.

Although Heim’s theory did not gain widespread acceptance in the scientific community, it ignited a strong reaction among science fiction enthusiasts. It provided a theoretical basis for the existence of warp drives in science fiction movies.

The most famous application of warp drive in science fiction is in the “Star Trek” series, where the starship Enterprise utilizes warp drive. The Enterprise uses the energy generated by antimatter fuel to warp space in front of it and expand space behind it, distorting the surrounding space-time. According to the show’s description, the Enterprise can travel at speeds over 9,000 times the speed of light, meaning that it can reach a destination that would take 9,000 years for light to reach in just one year using the warp drive. The “Star Trek” series significantly popularized the concept of the warp drive in the world of science fiction and generated considerable interest and anticipation for its development.

In 1994, Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubieri proposed a mathematical model of spacetime called the Alcubierre metric based on the principles of general relativity. This model describes a situation in which a spacecraft could compress space in front of it and expand space behind it by distorting the space around it while navigating.

The spacecraft itself would be surrounded by a warp bubble, a region of curved spacetime that remains unaffected because it is always in a static state relative to the surrounding space. This means that the spacecraft isn’t actually moving; it’s shifting through the warped spacetime. Consequently, effects like time dilation and relativistic mass increase wouldn’t occur during navigation. This mode of motion is akin to walking on a moving walkway: the person moves slowly on the walkway, but the walkway itself moves swiftly. Therefore, the spacecraft wouldn’t be bound by the speed of light and could theoretically accelerate to infinite speeds.

In this way, it seems possible to achieve motion beyond the speed of light. In reality, the spacecraft doesn’t travel faster than the speed of light; the warp drive continuously stretches space, drastically altering the surrounding spacetime and shortening the spacecraft’s travel distance when journeying between stars.

Assuming we had a functional warp drive, enabling a spacecraft to travel ten times the speed of light, we would take only 155 days to reach Proxima Centauri. If we could go even faster, say a hundred times the speed of light, it would only take 90 days to reach the Gliese 581 galaxy, 25 light-years away from Earth. If we could go even faster, perhaps a thousand times the speed of light, we would need just 4 years to reach the Eagle Nebula, located 4,000 light-years from Earth. Currently, the warp drive faces numerous technical and theoretical challenges, with the most significant being negative energy density.

Negative energy density refers to a state of lower energy than the energy of a vacuum. Negative energy density is a fundamental element of warp drive since it can create a reverse gravitational effect in space, allowing for the distortion of space. However, negative energy density is exceedingly rare and inherently unstable, and a reliable and efficient method for generating and maintaining negative energy density has yet to be discovered.

As of now, scientists have only observed the existence of negative energy density in a phenomenon known as the Casimir effect. The Casimir effect is an attractive force that occurs between two closely spaced parallel metal plates, which is due to the lower vacuum energy between the plates compared to the vacuum energy outside the plates.

This implies the existence of negative energy density between the metal plates. However, the negative energy density produced by the Casimir effect is extremely weak and insufficient to create a warp drive. According to Alcubierre’s estimation, to achieve warp drive and travel at speeds ten times the speed of light, the required negative energy density would be equivalent to converting the mass of Jupiter into energy.