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Jupiter’s Moon marvel: A world record in space exploration

Jupiter has officially become the planet with the most moons in the Solar System, now totaling 92 after the discovery of an additional 12 natural satellites. Astronomers noted that the previous record holder, Venus, has slipped to second place with 83 confirmed moons.

Jupiter’s moon Io rises just above the horizon. (Image: NASA)

Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution in Washington, USA, who participated in monitoring these moons, told AP that the recently discovered “companions” of Jupiter have been added to the list maintained by the International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center.

These moons were spotted using telescopes in Hawaii and Chile in 2021 and 2022. However, scientists need to track their entire orbits before making an official determination.

Sheppard mentioned that these new satellites range in diameter from 1 km to 3 km (0.6 miles to 2 miles). However, only half of them will be named, while the rest, with sizes below the minimum naming threshold of 1.5 km in diameter, will remain unnamed.

Scientists previously explained in an interview with the Sky and Telescope website that three of these moons have a prograde motion, similar to the planet’s rotation, making them particularly difficult to detect. Sheppard explained, “The reason is that they are closer to Jupiter, and the scattered light from the planet is very bright.”

According to Sheppard, the large number of small satellites around both Jupiter and Venus is believed to be the result of larger moons breaking apart through collisions or interactions with comets.

“I hope that we can get close-up images of one of these outer moons in the near future to better determine their origin,” he told AP.

The European Space Agency is sending a spacecraft to study Jupiter and one of its largest moons in April, while NASA’s mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa, where a subsurface ocean is suspected to exist beneath its icy shell, is planned for 2024.

Jupiter and Venus far surpass the other planets in our system when it comes to the number of natural satellites. Saturn has 27 confirmed moons, Mercury has 14, Mars has 2, and Earth has 1. Both Venus and Jupiter have no natural moons.