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The image of a 15m long UFO revealed after a storm in Mexico

Photos of the 15-meter-long UFO were taken by auto mechanic Juan Manuel Sanchez in Mexico outside his home in Valle Hermoso on August 17.

According to Mr. Sanchez, the UFO appeared suddenly when he was holding his phone to take pictures of the sky when a storm was coming. Mr. Sanchez said the mysterious object believed to be a UFO appeared hovering in front of a dark cloud.

Mr. Sanchez’s wife and a colleague also reported seeing the mysterious UFO. They said the UFO suddenly appeared and then quickly disappeared. UFO is shaped like a saucer. No one knows where this mysterious object appeared from and where to move to the next location.

After the above UFO images were posted by Mr. Sanchez on Facebook, many netizens expressed interest and excitement. Some have suggested that it may actually be an alien UFO. New photos have become evidence that helps to support the idea that aliens are real.

However, many others suspect the photos may have been edited. They say that proving the object is a UFO is not easy because investigators have not found any solid evidence. So far, the image of this strange object is still a mystery, experts have not come to a final conclusion for this case.