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Unveiling the multiverse hypothesis: Convincing justifications

Because it seems that only this theory can explain the boundless nature of the universe. In 1957, a young scientist named Everett Hugh proposed a seemingly crazy theory at the time: the multiverse theory. This theory was almost universally rejected by the scientific community at the time. But just a few decades later, everything changed completely.

Not only did it rise as one of the most famous theories in theoretical physics, but it also became the subject of numerous works of science fiction. All events, the choices made in your life, could very well diverge into entirely different directions in parallel universes alongside the universe we currently exist in.

So, is it really the case that we are living in a multiverse system? No one can be certain of this, but below are the reasons that suggest this theory might indeed be true.

Schrodinger’s Cat TheoryBefore Everett’s multiverse theory came into existence, physicists were grappling with the contradictions between two physical systems: quantum physics and classical physics. These contradictions could be illustrated simply through Schrodinger’s cat experiment.

Until you open the box, the cat inside exists in both contradictory states simultaneously: both alive and dead. However, with the multiverse theory, these contradictions can be resolved. When you open the box, reality splits into two parallel paths – in one version, you’ll see the cat dead, and in the other version, the cat will still be alive.

How Reality Extends InfinitelyIf space is infinite, it implies the existence of a multiverse system with countless parallel realities. The amount of matter existing in the universe is finite. Just like a deck of cards, if you shuffle it enough times, there will come a point where the sequence of cards repeats itself. Similarly, in an infinite universe, with an infinite number of parallel realities, there will be moments when matter repeats its arrangement.

A multiverse system with an infinite number of parallel realities, each slightly different from the other, provides a reasonable explanation for the repetition of the arrangement of matter in the universe.

Explaining the Origin and End of the UniverseIf the Big Bang was the beginning of the universe, what triggered it, and what existed before this Big Bang? Will there come a time when the universe ceases to exist? And what will happen afterward? These are unanswered questions.

The multiverse theory can provide explanations for all these uncertainties. Scientists have hypothesized that the existence of parallel realities is known as the Braneworld model. This model exists in many different spatial dimensions, but our senses limit us to only three spatial dimensions. Many scientists believe that in this model, worlds are arranged like slices of bread, stacked parallel to each other. These worlds exist independently and separately, but there are moments of interaction and collision between them. The interactions resulting from these collisions generate enough energy to recreate the Big Bang, ending the existence of the old universe and ushering in a new era.

The Universe Is Too Vast to Rule Out the Existence of Parallel RealitiesWe haven’t even uncovered all the mysteries on Earth, let alone the vastly larger universe. The infinite nature of the universe is still uncertain, so it’s impossible to exclude the existence of another universe parallel to our own.

Scientists estimate the universe’s age to be around 13.8 billion years, meaning we can only detect light sources within this time frame. If another universe exists beyond 13.8 billion light-years or in a different spatial dimension, we would have no way of knowing about its existence.

Multiverse Theory as the Sole Explanation for Human ExistenceIf the neutron were just 0.2% larger than its current size, it would become unstable and break down into smaller particles, making it impossible for atoms to exist. If gravity were slightly stronger, matter on Earth would be pulled more tightly toward the center, and Earth’s core would quickly incinerate everything within a few million years. Human existence on Earth would be impossible.

The perfect balance of everything on Earth, to some, may seem like the work of a higher power. However, the multiverse theory offers a more scientifically grounded explanation. In all the parallel universes where the balance of physical factors isn’t maintained, life cannot thrive as it does in our universe. This absolute balance may only occupy a small fraction, but with countless possibilities, it’s entirely possible.

Time Travel No Longer Disrupts the Flow of TimeTime travel and the paradoxes it creates remain a head-scratcher that science has yet to fully unravel. With the multiverse theory, when you reverse time to a specific point in the past, the effects you create will no longer alter a single universe. Instead, you inadvertently create an entirely new parallel universe, where all possibilities will diverge in a different direction from the moment you intervened in the past.

It Aligns with Our Understanding of the UniverseThe days when humans believed they were the center of the universe, with all planets revolving around Earth, are long gone. Now we know that we are just a tiny part of a vast galaxy, among countless other galaxies in the universe. The multiverse theory makes this notion even more plausible. If there are indeed parallel universes, it implies that our species is not unique, as there would be countless other versions of us existing in other parallel universes.

Reference: Howstuffworks