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Wildlife Showdown: Lion’s Successful Hunt Spoiled by a Hyena’s Sneaky Tactics

This is the unexpected moment when an old lion was enjoying the food he had just caught when a group of hyenas rushed to grab it. This scene took place in South Luangwa National Park in Zambia.

Male lions are always compared to the lord of the steppe, they are kings who rule over a large area and have the right to hunt any herbivore in their territory. In addition, they also have their own flocks of many females.

However, that is only true for the leading lions, young or too old male lions and being kicked out of the herd is a completely different story. They have no territory of their own, just roaming alone.

That leaves ‘nomadic’ male lions to hunt for themselves and even protect their meals as hyenas prowl. The lone male lion below was unable to do this because the enemies were too numerous and too dangerous.

In this video, a male lion has just hunted a wild buffalo, has not been rewarded by the prey, when the hyena sniffs it and rushes into the riot.

Overwhelmed by the number of hyenas, they rushed to bite the lion’s tail to pull it out. The male lion also fought back, but because he was alone, the hyena was not afraid.

Finally, unable to withstand the attack of the hyenas, the lion had to quietly leave to give the bait to the most glutton of the steppe.