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Archaeology breakthrough: Scientists discover chilling ‘nest’ of ancient humans in cave

A recent series of discoveries however definitely brought forth a new image to their culture though as we had never even considered them to be ritualistic in any manner beforehand.These discoveries came to us from the Grotte de Cussac cave from France.

Originally discovered around 20 years or so, inside the experts came across several “nests” of human remains which showcases the fact that they were buried off in a very ritualistic manner thousands of years ago here.

At first, the team came across what appeared to be the skeleton of a young adult male in a shallow depression inside of the wall. At least two others were discovered nearby in way worse of shape though.

As the team continued on they actually came across several other remains alongside the very first instance of Gravettian rock art inside one of their burial sites. That’s right, over 800 engravings were uncovered from here on, which showcased the fact that they were a lot more artistic than we could have ever imagined the famed hunter-gatherers being.

One of the most famous discoveries here is the prolific cave art “Venus” figurines which seem to showcase voluptuous women alongside the burial rituals that were performed here, to begin with. This is especially strange as the ancient Gravettian culture wasn’t known for their artistic endeavors, especially when it came to their burial sites. 

This is the first of its kind, but it won’t be the last according to the experts that now believe that this is but the beginning of the true history of the Gravettian culture.