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Discovered a giant hand bone washed up on a Brazilian beach

According to the New York Post, Devanir Souza and his girlfriend Leticia Gomes Santiago walked on the beach in Ilha Comprida on November 20. They found an arm-shaped bone with five fingers in front, but nothing like a human hand.

The couple took a picture of the ‘hand’ and posed next to the slippers to measure its size. “We don’t think it’s a human hand because it’s big and has a lot of skull bones,” said Sandiago. So what could it be?”

(Photo via Nypost)Sandiago wrote on social media: “We don’t know what this is, or if it is an alien or worse.”

Some netizens thought it looked like the hand of an alien from the movie “Alien E.T.” 1982; Others say it’s the hand of a mermaid; Others believe it could be the bones of a dinosaur or a prehistoric creature.

Marine biologist Eric Comin suggested that this “hand” could belong to crustaceans like dolphins, whales, etc., but this is just a preliminary visual check, further testing is needed to determine it is. What.

From the photos, Comin said, the bones likely belonged to a dolphin that may have been dead at sea for 18 months.

He added that anyone who finds animal bones on the beach should report it to the area’s environmental agency, the Research Institute of Cananéia.

Henrique Chupill, a spokeswoman for the institute, said they would prioritize leaving the remains on the beach so they don’t interfere with nutrient circulation in the ecosystem. If it is a recently deceased animal and it is of scientific interest, they will do an autopsy to find out the cause of death.